May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

的流程則全面自動化,這亦令企業遷移生產 線時更靈活。」Alfred 認為傳統工業要保持 競爭力的話,就要引進創新科技改革業務流 程,「想在現今市場站穩住腳,就要不斷求 變、不斷創新。創新科技的工業應用極具價 值,企業可考慮夥拍科研機構或大專院校, 2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES | 2020「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 for instance, they may opt for a lower pay job which allows them to work near home and go home for lunch with their families. Although we can save money on building dormitories, we have to compete for setting up our factories near residential areas in order to attract employees.” As the industrial supply chain in Vietnam becomes more mature, world-renowned electronic brands start operations in Vietnam which helps to enhance the manufacturing and technical capabilities in the area. Nevertheless, the manpower competition has also become more fierce, “There will be more and more manufacturers setting up in ASEAN regions in the near future to better-manage supply chain risks. Our industry counterparts should carefully consider the resulting soaring labour costs when making the investment decision,” Alfred said. Strengthening R&D innovation to bolster competitiveness “Industrial talents should participate in high value-added manufacturing procedures like R&D and production line management, while the automated machines will take charge of the repetitive and standardised procedures. This also offers the manufacturer more flexibility in relocating production lines.” Alfred believes that adopting innovative technology to transform business operations is essential for traditional manufacturing businesses to stay competitive. “We never cease our efforts in innovation to maintain a strong foothold 36 | 5-7/2021