May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

「中國加一」工業鏈朝區域化發展 中美貿易磨擦不斷,不少港資廠商受關稅 影響,信佳集團亦不例外。Alfred指︰「採 取『中國加一』策略將有效減少貿易戰帶來 的風險,加上內地政府積極提倡『一帶一路』 及雙循環機遇,信佳亦順理成章考慮到東盟 市場發展。」2018年,信佳在越南北寧省租 用了超過4,000平方米的廠房,另於2019年 額外租用6,000多平方米的空間。2020年, 再轉租40,251.5平方米的土地,預計超過 30,000平方米的高度自動化廠房將於2021 年年中落成並投產使用,主力生產銷往海外 市場的電子產品,生產基地更連年拓展以應 付需求。Alfred說︰「越南在地理上較接近 中國,而且當地政府推出優厚工業扶持政 策,與內地開放初期為港資廠商而設的措施 非常類似,稅務優惠、進出口便利措施等對 港商來說較易掌握。」相比其他東南亞地區如 泰國、印尼、菲律賓及馬來西亞等,Alfred 認為越南的社會環境較穩定,有充足勞工供 應,適合外商投資。 不過,Alfred亦留意到中越兩地的文化差 異。「在內地,不少工人是由外省遠赴發達 的城市打工,宿舍、伙食及生活配套必不可 少。但越南人則較重視work-life balance,相 比高工資他們可能更希望能在家附近上班, 讓他們與家人午膳。雖然可以省卻興建宿 舍,但我們則要爭取在近住宅區的地方設生 產基地,方能吸引到員工來就職。」隨著越 南生產鏈日漸成熟,不少國際知名電子品牌 均到越南設廠,產量及技術水平繼而提升, 但對生產商而言人力資源競爭就更劇烈。 Alfred指,「未來或會有更多廠商在東南亞設 生產線,分散供應鏈風險,故可以預計人工 等成本會一直上漲,廠商投資時須多留意。」 善用科研創新提升競爭力 「工業人才應從事高增值的生產程序,例 如是研發和生產鏈管理,較為重覆、標準化 Expanding industrial chain by “China plus One” Many Hong Kong manufacturers have been stressed by the additional tariff imposed because of the China-US trade disputes, and Suga is no exception. Alfred said, “We adopt the ‘China plus one’ strategy to minimize the risk of trade war to our business. In parallel, the Mainland government has been facilitating trade and businesses under the Belt and Road initiatives as well as dual circulation strategies. As a result, Suga has targeted the ASEAN market for our next phase of development.” In addition to the factory covering more than 4,000 sq.m. in Bac Ninh Province, Vietnam had rented in 2018, SUGA rented over 6,000 sq.m. additional space in 2019. In 2020, we subleased a land of 40,251.5 sq.m. The highly-automated factory of over 30,000 sq.m. is expected to commence operations in mid-2021, to take charge of manufacturing electronic products for overseas markets. The manufacturing base is still expanding, “Vietnam is geographically approximate to Mainland China. Besides, the industry facilitation and support policies in Vietnam are very similar to those offered in Mainland China for Hong Kong enterprises at the earlier times of economic reform. For example, all the tax benefit and import/export facilitation look very familiar to us,” said Alfred. Comparing with other ASEAN economies like Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia, Alfred believes that it is easier for foreign companies to set up business in Vietnam which is more socially stable and offers an abundant labour force. Notwithstanding, Alfred takes note of the distinctive cultural norms in Vietnam from Mainland China. “We must provide accommodation, meals and daily life necessities to our workers in Mainland China as most of them travel from more remote areas to get a job in the city, but it is totally different in Vietnam. Vietnamese workers prefer work-life balance – 5-7/2021 | 35