Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

into Singapore, Australia, Japan, India and Cambodia.” Expand Product Range in line with the “Environment First” Vision A f t e r j o i n i n g M i n g F a i , To mm y enthusiastically engaged in the product and business development in various department in his company. He soon realised that the disposable plastic- packaging products manufactured by the group will soon be expelled from the market in the global trend of greener and more sustainable consumption. However, environmentally friendly products were not common at the time where corporate clients were reluctant to pay extra for greener products. Yet, in view of the green consumption trend, Tommy insisted on kicking-off the R&D of environmental friendly materials and products. In 2010, he established the Ming Fai Innovative and Development Skin Care Lab, to enhance the skincare innovation and technology, providing the best skincare OEM/ODM/ OBM service to our customers. In 2007, we were the first company in China to use corn starch biodegradable materials on the packaging of ecofriendly hotel amenities. Further in 2018, Ming Fai collaborated with City University of Hong Kong to develop a shampoo bar product without plastic packaging. Tommy shared that their hotel group clients were quite cautious about the effectiveness of the new product at first. Therefore, the Group devotes consideration resources on product testing and certification for environmental-friendly hospitality supplies, and even launched the retail products to gain consumers’ and business partners’ acceptance. In view of rising consumer expectation, environmental regulations around the world are becoming more stringent, driving 堅持開展對環保物料及新產品的研究,但有 見消費者對環保的追求, Tommy 堅持開展 對環保物料及新產品的研究,在 2010 年設 立了「明輝創新與發展護膚研究所」,專注 技術與品質提升,為客戶提供更優質的高 端護膚產品 OEM 、 ODM 和 OBM 服務。於 2007 年,集團更成為國內率先採用玉米澱 粉,為酒店衛浴用品製造生物可分解包裝的 供應商。以及在 2018 年與香港城市大學研 發了無需塑膠包裝的固體洗髮水。 Tommy 指出,最初酒店客戶對新產品的成效頗為猶 疑,故明輝亦投資不少為產品做測試及取得 認證,更推出零售產品,助消費者熟悉和接 受環保洗浴產品,增加企業採購的信心。 隨著消費者對環保的關注日增,各國不斷推 出更嚴格的環保法規,促使業界淘汰塑膠用 品。於 2019 年,上海率先落實酒店將不可 再主動提供六款一次性日用品;北京和海南 島亦將會落實類似規定,加速了旅遊酒店業 的環保轉型,亦令明輝集團的新產品大派用 場。 Tommy 指這些環保政策的確對傳統訂 單有一定的即時影響,但長遠而言,集團 已準備好與全球各大環保材料供應商合作, 助企業客戶研發及生產對環境影響更低的產 品,應對法規要求及消費者期望。 2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES | 2020「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 98 | 8-10/2021