Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

現時香港的科研團隊有十幾人,將會逐步擴 展,亦會與大學合作招募實習生,「我看到 很多年輕人修讀設計及工程等學科,也非常 希望入行學以致用,但香港的廠商始終較 少。我希望由自身開始,日後能有更多廠商 回流,給予香港年青人機會一展所長,推動 香港工業年輕化。」 在工業界多年, Wayne 見證行業環境不斷 變遷,現時工業已演變成極具創新性、而且 發展空間廣闊的「朝陽行業」。他指:「相比 起其他行業,工業集百家之大成,由產品開 發及設計、專利保障、市場推廣、物料採 購、品質檢測,到數據分析、生產技術運用 等,可涉獵的層面非常廣泛,也能讓同事快 速成長。每次看到產品由零到一的誕生,我 都感到十分自豪,希望年青人也能從投身工 業中,得到更大的成就感。」 demand for home appliances. Fortunately, the main manufacturing lines of Town Ray at Huizhou was not severely affected by the pandemic. In addition, as some of the core components are produced in-house, the Company resumed normal operations quickly and caught up with the production schedule for clients. Cultivating Young Industrial Talents Town Ray’s R&D centre has been located at Huizhou. After its listing in 2019, Wayne decided to set up a new R&D team in Hong Kong. "In recent years, we see the commitment of Hong Kong Government in promoting innovation and R&D as well as the high potential of local talents. Therefore, we started forming the R&D team in Hong Kong, hoping to groom successors for the industry." Wayne’s team forming process went smoothly. Their R&D team now gathers both veteran industrial engineers who returned to Hong Kong with rich practical experience; and also young graduates from product design and engineering. The complementarity between the two generations has sparked great ideas for the Company. With more than a dozen members in its Hong Kong R&D Centre now, Wayne is working to gradually expand the R&D team and will cooperate with local universities to offer internship opportunities. “Many graduates from design, engineering and other relevant disciplines are looking for a career opportunity in the industry to utilize the knowledge they learned in classrooms, but the opening in Hong Kong is limited. I wish more manufacturers will return to Hong Kong soon and work together to nurture next generation’s industrialists and promote the rejuvenation of Hong Kong industries” Wayne said. As a veteran industrialist, Wayne has witnessed the manufacturing sector’s dynamic change to become an innovation- driven industry with great career prospect, “Comparing to other industries, the manufacturing industry integrates R&D and product design, patent protection, marketing, material procurement, quality assurance, to data analysis, manufacturing technology and more, allowing talents to develop a broad range of skill sets. Seeing a new product being brought to life still makes me feel proud and accomplished. I hope more young talents can join us and share the fulfilment brought by manufacturing.” To revisit Wayne Yu’s short film made specifically for 2020 Young Industrialist Award of Hong Kong: 重溫俞國偉特別為獲頒 2020年香港青年工業家獎拍攝的短片︰ 8-10/2021 | 95