Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
emerging markets since over ten years ago to explore new clients and understand users’ product needs. He travelled to unfamiliar markets from time to time to find out local consumers’ preferences and market trends. He added, “As a product designer, we must put ourselves in the users’ shoes to design the products that fit into their living habits. In addition, we are very cautious on the different business culture in every emerging market. Before establishing partnerships, we look into every detail from market scale, clients’ credibility to political conditions etc.” Today, Europe is the largest market of Town Ray which accounts for 87% of their sales. The Company is also planning to expand into new markets like South America and Eastern Europe, which have large population with increasing demand for high-quality home appliances. Besides, Town Ray also sees the spending power of today’s China market and is planning to establish its own brand for domestic sales for new business territory expansion. As a coffee lover, Wayne also notices that coffee has become more popular for youngsters worldwide nowadays. Therefore, home-use coffee machine is also one of the major product lines that Town Ray will invest in. With the rise of stay-at-home economy and consumers’ demands for healthy diet, cooking appliances have also become one of the Company’s top rated products. Over the past year, the COVID-19 has led to work-from-home and home cooking trends that significantly stimulated the 主,銷售額佔整體 87% ,集團將會逐步開拓 南美、東歐等市場,當地人口眾多,對高品 位的日常家電產品需求越來越大,具發展潛 力。另一方面,登輝亦看準內地市場的消費 力,有計劃建立自家品牌拓展內銷,為業務 開創新版圖。 本身是咖啡發燒友的 Wayne 亦笑說,現今 世界各地的青年人對咖啡的喜好日增,故 此家用咖啡機亦是公司較受歡迎的產品線之 一。而隨著居家經濟的掘起及消費者對健康 飲食的要求日益提升,煮食電器亦成為公司 的皇牌產品之一。 在過去一年多,新冠肺炎疫情引起在家工作 及在家煮食等趨勢,亦令家電需求急增。登 輝的主要生產線設於惠州,慶幸疫情不算嚴 重,加上部份的核心零件均是自家生產,故 很快就能回復正常運作,為客戶追趕生產 進度。 重視工業青訓 望青年從中獲得成就感 登輝一直在惠州設有專業研發中心,作為集 團的科研基地。在 2019 年上市後, Wayne 決定在香港加設一個新的研發團隊,「近年香 港政府積極推動創科發展,而且香港的人才 質素優秀,我們便開始了回港科研的計劃, 希望能在香港找到工業接班人。」他直言組 班過程順利,研發團隊中既有回流香港、富 實戰經驗的研發專才;亦有畢業於產品設計 及工程、剛剛投身社會工作的年青人,對產 品設計沒甚麼包袱,能為公司帶來新想法, 兩者互補不足,擦出不少火花。 Wayne 指, 2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES | 2020「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 94 | 8-10/2021
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