Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
Pursuing Industrial Excellence in Thermodynamics Town Ray specialises in the R&D of electrothermic home appliances. The Company was limited to mainly steam irons at its early stage. Wayne discovered the potential of the Company’s core technology on steam iron, “Thermodynamics”. Hence, he studied with his team on how to further apply thermodynamics into different product categories. Success in creating a brand new “instant-heat” electric food steamer led the Company to step into the cooking appliance market. Subsequently, Wayne pursued his success in applying the core technology by combining the two major technologies of thermodynamics and motor-driven and to create a new technology for soup cooking machine, which greatly strengthened the Company’s cooking products range and competitiveness. With the dedicated re s e a rc h a nd de v e l opme n t on t h e thermodynamics technology, Town Ray’s products with this “instant heat” technology can generate steam in 20 seconds, far exceeding the conventional steam generation technology on the market at that time. Wayne added, “R&D is the core asset for our Company to sustain a high value- added growth. We will proactively expand our product portfolio by applying our core technology in thermodynamics. We have also established a R&D centre in Hong Kong to strengthen our R&D capabilities.” I n a d d i t i o n , Wa y n e h a s s e t u p a development blueprint for Town Ray towards to Industry 4.0, including business process optimisation and manufacturing automation enhancement. “Looking ahead, we expect to intelligentize the quality control and manufacturing processes to increase efficiency and effectiveness. This helps to cater the current trend of more frequent orders in small quantity.” Extend Business Reach with Vision Wayne is a person with big picture vision. On one hand, he has been focusing on the stable and mature European and American markets. On the other hand, he realizes the necessity of developing new potential markets. Wayne has visited various 專注熱動力技術 穩佔行業優勢 登輝集團精研電熱家用電器,早期的產品只 限於蒸氣熨斗, Wayne 洞悉企業核心技術 蒸氣熨斗之 Thermodynamics (熱動力技 術) 的可塑性,於是和團隊研究如何將核心 技術創新,應用於不同類型之產品上,成功 創造出嶄新“即熱式”電蒸鍋,踏進煮食類 家電市場。隨後,更乘勢擴闊核心技術,結 合熱動力及馬達兩大技術,創造出適用於煮 湯機的新技術,大大加強集團的煮食類產品 範圍及競爭力。憑著在核心的熱動力技術上 的長期科研,登輝的管導式即熱技術讓電蒸 鍋能夠在 20 秒內產生蒸氣,比起當時市面 上一般需要數分鐘加熱時間的傳統技術遠 遠優勝。 Wayne 表示,「科研是企業向高 增值、可持續方向發展的重要基石。我們 在熱動力上的專業生產技術可以應用於不同 產品,公司將會積極擴展產品類型,並已在 香港設立研發中心,強化科研能力。」 除了投入於產品科研, Wayne 亦為公司訂 立發展藍圖,優化企業流程,並建立更自動 化的生產管理系統,邁向「工業 4.0 」,「日 後我們將會把品質監控工序及生產製造智能 化,提升整體運作效率及效能,並迎合以往 單少量多、現今單多量少的轉變。」 勇於拓新 遠見成就業務擴展 Wayne 是一個重視 big picture 的人,一方 面著重成熟主流的歐美市場,另一方面深明 開發新興潛力市場的必要性。 Wayne 早在 十多年前已為登輝到處走訪新興市場,為公 司尋找新客戶和了解用家產品需要。為了解 當地消費者喜好和市場走向, Wayne 不時 到海外進行實地考察,他補充:「我們作為 產品設計商,必須要了解不同文化用家的 生活、煮食習慣,才能設計出合適的產品。 而且,新興市場的營商文化各有不同,我們 必須小心做好市場調查,包括市場規模、客 戶信譽、政治情況等,才能決定與當地夥伴 合作的項目。」登輝現時業務以歐洲市場為 8-10/2021 | 93
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