Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
National Space Exploration Leads to Breakthrough in High-Tech Industries 香港科研助力航天突破 技術落地化身高新產業 T he successful landing of Tienwen-1 mission on Mars in May marks a significant step forward of the national aerospace achievement. In the national space exploration journey, Hong Kong’s research teams have made remarkable contribution. The Polytechnic University developed space instruments for lunar sampling for Chang’e-5 mission; and subsequently, helped Tianwen-1 mission identified possible Mars landing regions with advanced technologies. The strong basic research foundation and international exposure of Hong Kong’s universities are proven to support national advancement and Hong Kong's journey in becoming the innovation and technology hub in GBA. The progress of national aerospace research also leads to breakthrough in civil-use technology, from advanced metal components, fine chemicals, new materials for chemical engineering to semiconductors. In the Guangdong’s latest plans to put local manufacturing on track of high-quality development during the 14 th Five-Year Plan period, the province will focus on the development of advanced machinery, such as aerospace equipment, satellites and their applications, with staggered development across the region. Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai are the mainstays to lead the comprehensive industrial chain and advance core competency encompassing the research, design, manufacturing to testing of aerospace-related technologies and materials. It can be anticipated that the Guangdong province will take a great leap forward in high-tech industries, opening up broad opportunities for Hong Kong’s research sectors and enterprises in technological innovation. 在 剛過去的五月,國家「天問一號」成功在火星著陸,見證國家航天成就更進一步。在中國航天探索之中,香 港的科研團隊作出了重大貢獻。香港理工大學就曾研發裝置,協助「嫦娥五號」成功完成月球表取採樣返回 任務,並利用頂尖技術為近期「天問一號」選取火星著陸點。香港院校的雄厚科研基礎實力和國際化經驗,成為了 國家進步的重要動力,亦力證香港具備條件成為大灣區的國際創科中心。 國家航天技術的突破,一直引領著民用科技的進步,助先進金屬、精細化學品、化工新材料,以至衛星芯片、終端、 關鍵元器件製造等領域突破技術瓶頸。廣東最新印發的《廣東省製造業高質量發展「十四五」規劃》亦詳列廣東將 會重點發展航空裝備、衛星及應用等高端裝備製造業,產業分布在不同地區錯位發展,粵港澳大灣區中的廣州、深 圳、珠海作為重點城市協同產業鏈發展,全面提升航天技術和材料由研發、生產到測試的整體實力。可以預期,廣 東省將會迎來高新技術的大躍進,不但為香港科研團隊創造龐大發揮空間,工業界亦能受惠於核心技術的進步, 策動企業科研創新。 Executive Deputy Chairman 常務副主席 Steve Chuang 莊子雄 8-10/2021 | 9
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