Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Design is a pivotal producer service to add value to the manufacturing sectors. Hong Kong has a long-standing, well-established design industry. Manufacturing and design have always been intrinsic twins where manufacturers make use of creativity and professional design to create products that meet with the ever-rising consumer expectation. The toys, electronic products and garments designed and made by Hong Kong manufacturers are highly sought after in the international market, nurturing the “Made by Hong Kong” brands with a unique touch of east-meets-west elements. In the past few decades, we witnessed many of the OEM manufacturers have been transforming towards ODM and OBM models. Hong Kong designers, with the wealth of product design experience and their international exposure, are set to be the best partners for manufacturers in their journey of transformation. Apart from visual design, “design thinking” has been widely adopted by the industry to enhance product functionality from the users’ perspective. Nowadays, this method has even been broadly applied to service innovation, town planning to public facilities design. While the consumers have a growing appetite on both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of products, coupled with the advancement of IoT and smart devices technology and new business models like sharing economy, the manufacturing and design sectors have vast opportunities to work together in creating innovative products and service modes to open up new business fronts. 設計業是為製造業增加價值的主要生產性服 務之一。香港的設計業享負盛名,一直以 來,工業與設計環環相扣,廠商善用創意、 專業設計,滿足消費者越來越高的品味要 求,如玩具、電子產品及成衣等,均大受國 際市場青睞,促使「香港品牌」產品更上一層 樓,更特別充滿中西薈萃的特色。近數十年 來,越來越多廠商從以往的原件製造(OEM) 模式,轉型至原創設計(ODM)或原創品牌 (OBM)業務,香港設計企業具備豐富的產品 設計經驗,加上國際化視野,成為了製造業 的最佳合作夥伴。 近年,除了產品的外觀之外,設計界亦善用 「設計思維」(Design Thinking),代入用家 的角度設計產品功能,現在此概念更被廣泛 應用在服務創新、城市規劃、社會設施等範 疇。隨著消費者對美學和功能有越來越高的 追求,加上物聯網、智能產品、共享經濟等 技術和模式日漸成熟,製造業界與設計界將 會更緊密合作,開拓創新產品功能和商業模 式,創造更廣闊的發展空間。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Alan Cheung 主席:張益麟 | Vice-Chairman: Charles Ng 副主席:吳秋全 Design 設計 GROUP 31 分組 第 88 | 8-10/2021