Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
The global pandemic has drastically weakened the consumer market on high value products. As a major trading hub of fur products from the mainland China and Southeast Asia countries, Hong Kong’s fur and leather garments trading inevitably suffered from the economic downturn, but yet it remains the world’s third-largest fur clothing exporter. Exports to traditional foreign markets have been stumbled under the pandemic, but the recovery of the mainland China market has been promising with moderate export growth observed. In recent years, the consumption power of mainland China and Southeast Asia markets is on the rise, leading to new demands for high quality fur products. Besides, fur products have been gradually shifting from cold-climate utility products into daily fashion. The advancement in processing and dyeing techniques and the combination with other fashion items open up vast opportunity for fur products, especially in emerging markets. Last year, the fur export from Hong Kong to Thailand grew by almost 400%, accounting for more than 30% of total export. This clearly demonstrates the competitive edge of Hong Kong’s fur products in ASEAN markets as fashion items. The industry shall ride on the national dual circulation strategy as well as the newly signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to further expand domestic sales and ASEAN markets, creating new growth areas for fur fashion. Amid uncertainties brought by the pandemic, the fur industry continues to progress in the pursuit of sustainable development. In 2021, the largest investment in fur industry “Furmark®” labelling system will be launched. The system will link fur farming, manufacturing to retail businesses with blockchain technology to set out the most tightly controlled sustainability standards along the value chain. In the future, consumers can identify genuine retail fur products with the Furmark® label and ensure their purchase strictly complies to environmental and sustainability regulations worldwide. 全球經濟受新冠肺炎疫情打擊,部份高價消 費品市場顯著疲弱。香港作為內地及東南亞 毛皮服裝的主要轉口港,香港的貿易業務頗 受影響,但仍維持全球第三大的毛皮服裝出 口地的地位。在疫情之下,大部份傳統外國 市場的銷量大減,唯有內地經濟復甦情況較 明朗,去年的出口量更微升。 近年,內地及東南亞的消費力日增,對高質 毛皮製品造成新需求;毛皮製品亦由禦寒衣 物,漸漸轉變成都市時尚服飾及潮流一部 份,業界不斷改進染色加工技術,或將毛皮 融入其他時裝產品,打進新興市場。在去 年,香港對泰國的毛皮出口增加近四倍,佔 本地總出口逾三成,可見香港廠商的毛皮製 品作為時尚單品,在東盟市場亦受到消費者 欣賞。業界應乘著國家雙循環策略,集中拓 展內銷市場之餘,亦藉新簽訂的《區域全面 經濟夥伴協定》開拓東盟市場,為毛皮時裝 創出新發展空間。 然而,疫情並沒有阻礙毛皮業追求行業可持 續發展的進程。2021年,毛皮業會迎來全 球行業史上最大的資源投放 — Furmark標 籤認證,針對養殖來源、產品生產製作及 銷售渠道,應用區塊鏈技術,利用最新科技 為全球毛皮產品上下游作出最嚴謹及最高標 準的規範。消費者日後可通過零售產品上的 Furmark標籤,得悉所購買的產品既是天然 時尚毛皮時裝,又合乎各國環保及可持續發 展的要求。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Wallace Wong 主席:王博文 | Vice-Chairman: Wilson Chiu 副主席:趙淑源 Fur and leather garments 毛皮及皮革成衣 GROUP 29 分組 第 86 | 8-10/2021
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