Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Hong Kong is a major exporter of watches and clocks globally, with complete watches and clocks as main products. Hong Kong’s watches and clocks manufacturers produce a diverse range of wristwatches for various occasions, styles and functions to meet consumers’ expectations. While Hong Kong manufacturers used to be OEM providers for foreign brands, they are now developing original brands with some of them still taking Hong Kong as the base for manufacturing small-volume brand products. Lately, customised wristwatches also become a new trend, which is especially popular among younger consumers. To maintain competitiveness, Hong Kong’s watch and clock industry continuously pursue design improvements and even developing their own mechanical movements to cater the brands’ product designs. While consumers nowadays have strong appetite for novel designs and the traditional watches are facing competition from smart watch devices, the watch and clock industry must actively respond to market trends and produce new designs to keep customers. For instance, fashion watches and alternative materials are gaining popularity among consumers. With closer trade relations and economic activities in the Asia Pacific region, exploring the mainland China and ASEAN market has become an important strategy for manufacturers. Especially with the well-established online shopping platforms and e-commerce channels, the industry is fully ready to take “Made by Hong Kong” brands to emerging markets. 香港是全球鐘表的主要出口地,以完整手表 及時鐘為主要產品,當中包括多元化的腕表 種類,為消費者提供適合不同場合、喜好以 至功能需要的款式。香港鐘表業界由往日主 要為外國品牌從事代工製造,轉化至塑造原 創品牌,現時仍有不少廠商保留香港的基地 小批量製造品牌產品,近年更興起客製化手 表,特別受年青消費者歡迎。香港的鐘表業 界不斷追求改良設計,更會自行研發機芯以 配合品牌獨特設計,以維持競爭力。 現今消費者喜好日新月異,傳統手表更受到 智能手表的挑戰,鐘表製造商亦需要與時 並進,不斷為客戶創造新的款式。例如近 年手表設計更著重時尚設計,或是採用多 元化的物料增添新鮮感。隨著亞太區商貿關 係及經濟活動越趨緊密,不少港商更開拓內 地及東盟市場,特別是透過電商平台、網上 銷售等,將香港品牌的鐘表產品推廣到新興 市場。 Chairman: Gary Lau 主席:劉燊濤 | Vice-Chairman: Amy Chow 副主席:周宛賢 Hong Kong Watch & Clock Council 香港鐘表工業協會 GROUP 22 分組 第 8-10/2021 | 81