Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
Logistics is one of Hong Kong’s four pillar industries, supporting the transportation of goods across the world. Last year, the global supply chain was severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lock-downs and port closures worldwide brought down Hong Kong’s cargo volumes by land, air and water, with declines of 7.7%, 6% and 5.3% respectively. The pandemic also affected the movement of port containers, leading in a shortage of containers and record-high global sea freight rates. Subsequently, the impact shows on the supply and prices of goods and raw materials, hindering the post-pandemic recovery of the manufacturing sector. Despite, the pandemic doesn’t hamper the logistics industry from advancing towards modernisation. In recent years, the industry actively pursues high value-add services to build a competitive edge in handling high-value goods, including cold chain logistics management services needed for vaccine shipment. While this year marks the beginning of the 14 th Five-Year Plan where Hong Kong received support in enhancing its status as an international financial, logistics and trading centre, as well as an international aviation hub. Hong Kong is expected to play a significant role in the modern logistic system of the Greater Bay Area. Following the official opening of Hong Kong-Macao-Zhuhai Bridge, Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point and Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link, Hong Kong’s logistics efficiency is reaching a new height to support our role as a regional transit hub for realising the national dual-circulation strategy. Hong Kong must ride on its strategic position in the world-class port cluster in the Greater Bay Area and bring the transport and logistics industry to a higher level. 香港物流業是香港四大經濟支柱之一,承載 全世界的貨物流通。去年新冠肺炎疫情肆虐 全球,世界各地的封關及停運措施令全球供 應鏈受阻,亦打擊了香港經陸路、空運和水 路運輸的貨運量,去年全年錄得7.7%、6% 和5.3%的跌幅。疫情更影響港口貨櫃周轉, 貨櫃箱供應短缺,導致全球海運運費屢創新 高,甚至影響部分貨物及原材料的供應及價 格,窒礙製造業疫後復甦。 雖然受疫情的困擾,但無阻物流業向現代化 發展。近年,業界積極拓展高增值服務,提 升處理高價值貨物的競爭優勢,例如是疫 苗運輸所需的冷鏈物流管理服務。今年是 「十四五規劃」的開端,規劃中提到「支持香 港提升國際金融、航運、貿易中心和國際航 空樞紐地位」。香港在大灣區的現代物流體 系中可發揮更積極作用,加上港珠澳大橋、 香園圍口岸、屯門至赤鱲角連接路等基建相 繼投入運作,進一步加強香港貨運效率,配 合國家的國內國際雙循環策略,香港將會更 有效發揮區域中轉樞紐港角色,與大灣區各 市共建世界級港口群,推動航運及物流業發 展更上一層樓。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Ir Dr David Ho 主席:何志盛博士 | Vice-Chairman: Billy Wong 副主席:王良心 Transport and Logistics Services Council 運輸與物流業協會 GROUP 21 分組 第 80 | 8-10/2021
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