Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Professional services form an integral part in the advancement of manufacturing sector towards higher value-add and international development. In 2019, Hong Kong and the national Ministry of Commerce signed an enhanced Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) agreement regarding the trade in services. The enhanced CEPA came into effect in June 2020, and open up broad opportunities for professional services providers in the Mainland. The national 14 th Five-Year Plan, which was announced in 2020, promulgates the specialised and high value-add development of producer services. Hong Kong has a long-standing competitive advantage in professional services such as legal services, finance, accounting and management. Together with its global business network, Hong Kong’s professional services providers staunchly support the international development of Hong Kong manufacturers, and to back up Mainland manufacturing enterprises to become modern industries while riding on the national external circulation strategy. In addition, the 14 th Five-Year Plan supports Hong Kong in establishing an international legal and dispute resolution service centre in the Asia-Pacific region. The professional services sector will work closely with industrialists to fully utilise Hong Kong's unique advantages in supporting manufacturers across Hong Kong and China, through finance, accounting, tax arrangements, legal and intellectual property services, to propel in line with national industrial development. 工業支援服務對製造業向高增值和全球化發 展來說是不可或缺的一部份。2019年,香港 亦與國家商務部簽署修訂《內地與香港關於 建立緊密經貿關係的安排》(CEPA)服務貿 易協議,於2020年6月生效,助業界打入龐 大的內地市場,進一步拓闊發展領域。 2020年是「十四五規劃」的開局之年,規劃 提出推動生產性服務業向專業化和價值鏈高 端延伸。長期以來,香港在法律、金融、會 計、管理等專業服務領域具有競爭優勢,加 上國際化的商貿網絡,不但是港資廠商在全 球發展的後盾,更可為內地廠商的現代化轉 型提供國際一流的專業服務,促進外循環的 發展。 除此以外,「十四五規劃」提出支持香港善用 所長,建設亞太區國際法律及解決爭議服務 中心。業界將工業界緊密合作,充分發揮香 港的獨特優勢,為中港廠商提供金融會計、 稅務、法律及知識產權保障、營運管理等方 面的支援,配合國家產業發展。 Chairman: Bong Chan 主席:陳耀邦 | Vice-Chairman: Paul Chan 副主席:陳錦程 Hong Kong ProServices Council 香港工業支援服務協會 GROUP 18 分組 第 8-10/2021 | 77