Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

The well-established printing industry in Hong Kong produces a wide variety of printing products, including publications, papers products as well as packaging and advertising materials for light consumer products from other manufacturing sectors. Although we have entered a digital age, paper printing products are still indispensable in our daily lives. Hong Kong enjoys the free flow of information, together with the wealth of technical know- how of local printing companies with quick delivery time, the printers in Hong Kong is still an ideal partner to many overseas clients for printing production services. The value of Hong Kong’s domestic exports of printed matter in 2020 was approximately HK$1.05 billion, down 24.4% year-on-year due to the pandemic, but was still slightly higher than the pre-COVID-19 level in 2018. This shows that the industry is still developing steadily. Printing technology has been advancing rapidly nowadays and is increasingly automated. Some printing companies have allowed online order placement where clients can handle the clumsy procedures in a more convenient manner to shorten turnaround time. This also facilitate companies to handle large volume of small-size orders in meeting customers’ expectations. On the other hand, the printing industry is expanding their businesses towards the upper and lower ends of the production value chain to open up more market opportunities; for instance, some printers offer design services, develop vertically on paper manufacturing and trading, and incorporate multimedia elements into the products to expand service variety. Under the integrated development of the Greater Bay Area, Hong Kong’s printing industry will continue to serve enterprises and consumers in the region with innovative printing techniques, as well as novel products and services. 香港印刷業發展悠久,除了出版書刊、卡片 單張等多元化印刷品之外,同時亦為其他輕 型消費品製造業服務,生產包裝和宣傳品 等。雖然人們越來越習慣數碼資訊,但紙本 印刷仍然是不可或缺的。香港的資訊自由流 通,加上廠商掌握印刷特殊產品的技術及有 能力應付短交貨期,現時香港印刷業界仍承 接許多海外客戶的出版、製作業務。2020年 本港印刷品本地出口貨值約為10億5千萬港 元,雖受疫情影響按年下跌24.4%,但仍稍 高於2018年的疫前水平,發展平穩。 現時印刷技術不斷精進改良,業務越趨自動 化,已有印刷商採用網上落單系統,更便利 客戶進行複雜的印刷確認程序,加快交貨時 間,更能夠大量處理小批量的訂單,符合現 今的客戶需要。另一方面,印刷業界亦向產 業鏈的上下游拓展,如提供設計服務、或是 開拓紙品製造業務、甚至結合多媒體等,擴 闊市場空間。在大灣區一體化發展之下,印 刷業界將會繼續精研創新印刷工藝,開發新 產品和服務,應付區內的企業及消費者的 需要。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Alex Yan 主席:任德聰 | Vice-Chairman: Nathan Lui 副主席:呂振邦 Printing and book binding and paper products 印刷、書籍釘裝及紙製品 GROUP 16 分組 第 76 | 8-10/2021