Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
Mould and die is an integral part of modern manufacturing technology and an essential equipment for mass production, staunchly supporting the recovery of industries in the post COVID-19 era. After years of upgrade and transformation, the Hong Kong and mainland China mould and die enterprises now possess strong competitive edge in manufacturing management standards, production efficiency, technical advancement, unique craftmanship and the R&D and application of new materials to support continuous improvement on molding technique and product quality. According to the China Customs, the aggregate value of mould and die exports from China grew from US$1,845 million to US$6,246 million from 2009 to 2019, with a compound growth rate of 12.97%. Concurrently, the aggregate import value dropped from US$2,485 million in 2015 and to US$1,939 million in 2019. This figure reflects that the industries no longer rely on imported mould products as mould-makers in the mainland China have mastered the techniques needed by industries. Advanced mould and die making is critical for the upgrade and transformation of the manufacturing sector at large. Nowadays, the demand for high-precision moulds is surging due to the growth of advanced industries. The increasing consumer expectation on delicate and fine products requires the industry to uplift the precision, quality and forming techniques, and as well the emergence of new manufacturing sectors like smart home appliances and medical supplies creates new demands for mould products. The mould and die industry must propel forward by mastering the most advanced techniques and integrating digital technology like artificial intelligence into mould-making processes. In addition, the adoption of “China+1” strategy by Hong Kong-invested manufacturers and the signing of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) open up vast development opportunities for the industry to tap into the booming manufacturing sector in Southeast Asia. 模具是現代製造技術不可或缺的部分,是工 業化量產的關鍵裝備和必備的工藝,也是新 冠疫情後產業復甦的堅實支撐。過去幾年, 香港及內地的模具業經過升級轉型,在管理 水準、生產效率、新技術、獨特工藝、新材 料研發和應用等方面取得到很好的成果,擁 有核心競爭力,模具技術和產品質量不斷提 升。根據中國海關數據,2009-2019年國內 模具出口額由18.45億美元增長到至62.46億 美元,複合增長率達12.97%。進口方面則由 2015年的24.85億美元下降至到2019年的 19.39億美元,反映了模具企業已掌握產業 所需的技術,並逐步替代進口產品。 先進的製模技術賦能整體製造業升級轉型。 現時,先進製造業的發展對高精密模具的需 求激增,消費者不斷追求產品的精美和細 緻,促進模具在精度、品質和成型工藝的提 升,智能家居、醫療用品等新興行業,亦對 模具業催生新的需求。模具行業必須以精益 求精的精神,掌握更先進的工藝,融合數碼 化及人工智慧等技術引領行業發展。在港資 廠商「中國+1」策略及《區域全面經濟夥伴 協定》簽訂下,更可便利模具業輸出至製造 業日益繁榮的東南亞國家,為業界開拓發展 空間。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Felix Choi 主席:蔡俊杰 | Vice-Chairman: Maggie Tsoi 副主席:蔡芷珊 Hong Kong Mould and Die Council 香港模具協會 GROUP 14 分組 第 74 | 8-10/2021
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