Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

The jewellery from Hong Kong is well-known for its exceptional craftmanship in gem- setting and fashion jewellery design, especially for medium-to-high-priced jewellery, pure gold items and jade jewellery. While the jewellery industry is highly prone to the fluctuation of retail market, it has suffered tremendously from the in-bound tourism downturn in 2020 due to COVID-19 outbreak. As a result, jewellers turned to local consumers and observed slight re-bounce of sales figures this year. Nevertheless, the shrinkage of luxury goods market caused by the pandemic will likely take a few more years to recover; the industry must take a more active and innovative approach to open up new business opportunities under such circumstances. Nowadays, jewellery has become an everyday fashion item instead of a luxurious symbol for special occasions only. Especially for younger consumers, they are increasingly attracted to stylish and light jewellery items for mix-and-match with their daily outfit, creating a vast market for jewellers. Besides, consumers are now more keen on buying jewellery through online channels. Online sales accounted for 7.2% of total sales for jewellery in China in 2019, up from 2.6% in 2014. A growing number of brands are setting up e-commerce platforms for direct sales to consumers on top of their physical retail stores. The industry should explore more diverse jewellery styles and online sales channels, on top of the well-established fine jewellery market and physical retailing, in order to create new growth areas for their businesses. 香港珠寶的工藝精湛,特別擅長寶石鑲嵌及 時尚首飾設計,中高價珠寶首飾、純金首飾 及玉石首飾等享負盛名。珠寶業與本地市道 息息相關,2020年新冠肺炎疫情令本港的旅 遊業陷入蕭條,珠寶業零售業務大受影響。 雖然在珠寶商轉為專注本地消費市場下,零 售數字在今年稍為回升,但長遠而言奢侈品 行業在疫情下的萎縮或需數年才能回復到疫 前水平。珠寶業界必須創新求變,開拓新的 市場空間。 近年,珠寶除了出現在隆重、重要的場合, 亦漸漸成為日常飾物的一部份。特別是年青 的消費者,傾向選擇款式簡約輕巧的珠寶飾 品作為日常衣著配搭,對珠寶首飾業來說是 極具潛力的市場。消費者亦日漸習慣透過網 購售賣珠寶首飾。內地珠寶的網上銷路佔總 銷路的比率,由2014年的2.6%上升至2019 年的7.2%。越多越多品牌在經營實體店以 外,亦開設網上銷售平台直接向消費者銷 售。業界除了熟悉的傳統貴重珠寶及店舖銷 售渠道,亦應開拓更多元化的款式及網購渠 道,拓闊客源。 Chairman: Benny Do 主席:杜源寧 | Vice-Chairman: Dr Adam Lau 副主席:劉家健博士 Hong Kong Jewellery Council 香港珠寶首飾業協會 GROUP 11 分組 第 8-10/2021 | 73