Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Hong Kong’s furniture manufacturers produce a wide spectrum of household, office and kitchen furniture and is well-known for their stylish, aesthetic and functional designs. Most of Hong Kong’s manufacturers produce furniture products on an OEM/ODM basis for foreign brands, while some have also started to develop original brands to extend to the other ends of the value chain. Under the worldwide influence of encouraging environmental protection and emission reduction in industrial manufacturing, major furniture manufacturers in Hong Kong have adopted more eco-conscious design approach in the notion of energy saving, pollution reduction as well as ecosystem protection. Intensive research studies of material recycling and repurposing and developing biodegradable building materials are implemented in Hong Kong in order to achieve a more sustainable product cycle. Upon the signing of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), Hong Kong furniture brands will enjoy an advantageous position in the regional production value chain where Hong Kong acts as the design and management centre with the mainland China as the major manufacturing base with raw materials procured from all over Asia. The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the performance of Hong Kong’s exports of furniture, leading to a 30% drop from the previous year. In this regard, manufacturers have turned to the massive domestic market in order to revitalise business. The increasing purchasing power of mainland Chinese consumers and their preferences on high quality household items, alongside continued urbanisation and tourism, are driving demand for both residential and hotel furniture. In 2020, the total retail sales of furniture products by major wholesalers and retailers in China almost reached RMB160 billion. Most of Hong Kong’s furniture manufacturers have established presence in the mainland China and overseas to grasp the opportunity risen from China’s internal circulation economic policy to explore domestic market as well as open up new business fronts in emerging markets like the Belt-and-Road economies. 香港家具業一向生產由家居、辦公室至廚房 等多元化的家具,更以具品味、美觀而實用 的設計見稱。香港家具製造商主要以原件製 造(OEM)或原創設計(ODM)的方式為外國大 品牌生產家具產品,部份製造商也開始發展 原創品牌,向產業鏈的上下游拓展。在世界 環保減排新趨勢下,香港家具廠商亦開始以 環境資源保護為核心概念而設計綠色產品及 更新以節能、降耗、減污、減排為目標的綠 色生產製造系統。廠商亦在循環再造、可回 收、再生資源利用、可分解性的研究上增加 資源,以達到可持續發展目標。在《區域全 面經濟夥伴協定》簽訂後,更有利廠商以香 港為設計及管理核心,在亞洲地區採購原材 料,並在內地進行生產,鞏固區域一體化的 生產線布局。 在新冠肺炎疫情之下,香港家具業在2020年 的出口跌幅逾三成,不少廠商均更重視開拓 內銷市場,為業務注入動力。內地的消費者 購買力日增,對高質家品的需求不斷增長, 加上城鎮化持續以及旅遊業發展,推動住 宅和酒店的家具製品需求。2020年,中國 規模以上批發零售業的家具零售總額達到近 1,600億元人民幣,不少香港家具廠商已於 中國內地及海外開設附屬公司或零售店,把 握內循環政策帶來的機遇,並拓展到一帶一 路沿線國家和地區。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Karen Chan 主席:陳嘉賢 | Vice-Chairman: Gary Lui 副主席:呂紹雄 Hong Kong Furniture Council 香港家具協會 GROUP 10 分組 第 72 | 8-10/2021