Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
Following the rapid recovery of the Mainland China’s manufacturing sector in the last year, export and domestic sales of the metal and machinery industry are on the rise and even inducing pressure on labour and electricity supply. Despite, the industry still faces financial pressure and shrinking profit margin as the prices of metal raw materials and logistic costs continue to surge. As the basis of smart manufacturing, machinery equipment plays a pivotal role in the development of Industry 4.0 and intelligent factories. With the staunch support of IoT and digitalised manufacturing technologies, the machinery industry is actively integrating high resolution computer vision and high-speed sensor technologies to enhance the computer numeric control capability in the manufacturing of machinery and measuring instruments. The highly automated production lines can substantially help relieve the shortage of manpower. On the other hand, the metal industry must invest into the R&D and innovation of manufacturing techniques to produce light-weight, minimal-sized and more intelligent components, as the metal materials are broadly applied to various products like 5G communication equipment, smart electronics, medical devices and new energy vehicles. The metal industry is also one of the greenest manufacturing sectors given the high collection and recycling rate of metal materials. Following the progress of Hong Kong’s re-industrialisation and the adoption of “China+1” strategy, some of our industry players have already pioneered to expand their production base from the Greater Bay Area to the Southeast Asia. With the “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” coming into place, the industry is ready to take forward the “Made by Hong Kong” strategy to the world. 去年隨著中國製造業的快速恢復,香港金 屬、機械行業的出口和內銷均有所增長,甚 至出現勞工短缺和電力供應不足。但由於國 際市場各種金屬原材料價格不斷攀升,加上 物流成本上漲,業界依然承受較大的資金壓 力,利潤空間也不斷被收窄。 機械作為智能製造的基礎,機械設備的智能 化對工業4.0和智能工廠尤其重要,在物聯 網、數據化智能製造的強力推動下,機械業 界正利用高清攝像及高速傳感技術等,全面 升級生產機械、測量設備的數控能力,達至 產品生產線的高度自動化,克服人力資源的 不足。另一方面,金屬材料是應用極其廣泛 的原材料,由5G通訊設備、智能電子產品、 醫療器材、新能源汽車等行業均要求輕量 化、微型化、智能化設計,金屬材料的研發 及製造工藝的創新便舉足輕重。而且,金屬 材料回收率及循環再造程度較高,可說是綠 色製造、循環經濟的典範行業。 隨著香港再工業化和「中國+1」策略的推進, 部分業界先進近年已由大灣區伸延至東南 亞,迎接《區域全面經濟夥伴協定》來臨,捷 足先登規劃由「香港製造」的全球戰略。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Sze Kam-shing 主席:施金城 | Vice-Chairman: Dr Alexis Suen 副主席:孫楚強博士 Hong Kong Metal and Machinery Council 香港金屬及機械協會 GROUP 7 分組 第 70 | 8-10/2021
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