Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
灣區綱要》更進一步推進香港、澳門與內地 九市融合,優勢互補。未來,我們將會更主 動協助會員企業,進軍內地市場,向兩地政 府建議能進一步理順人流、物流、資金流和 信息流的政策,讓在大灣區發展的港資企業 受惠。 與此同時,不少廠商已經開展「中國+1」的 策略,將部份生產工序遷移至東南亞或其他 國家,形成以香港作為總部、內地產業化及 內銷、東南亞量產外銷的格局。工總會全力 支援資廠商開拓東南亞的生產基地和市場, 藉此成為亞洲產業鏈的策略性中心。 本地先進製造 引領工業復興 近年,香港發展現代工業的氣氛越見濃厚, 在推動創科發展的同時,各界均意識到工業 對創科落地的重要性,將知識和科研轉化成 可持續的經濟價值。我在未來兩年任期的一 個主要目標,就是要助香港向先進製造業發 展,一方面助較傳統的製造業升級轉型,另 一方面推動創造新興的高增值製造業,助香 港工業以科研和核心技術建立長遠競爭力。 工總將重點推動先進電子業、食品科技及食 品加工業、回收及環保工業、以及生物科技 工業,助廠商借助香港優厚的科研、政策條 件,在本地設立先進生產線,帶動研發、設 計、檢證等生產性服務需求,藉此為香港重 組工業人才體系,吸引年青人投身現代工 業。 作為香港工業界最忠誠的夥伴,工總將全 力協助會員企業把握天時、地利、人和, 實踐升級轉型,投入先進製造,向大灣區 及東盟發展,將「香港製造 (Made by Hong Kong)」發揚光大。我歡迎工商各界加入工 總,與志同道合的工業家合作,藉著我們龐 大的企業網絡及多元化商業支援,攜手共創 香港工業新時代。 Riding on National Strategies to Explore Emerging Markets Launching of the national 14 th Five-Year Plan in Mainland China has set a new scene for Hong Kong’s regional economic and social developments. The Greater Bay Area Outline Development plan has put forward the integration of Hong Kong, Macao and the nine mainland cities to optimise the merits of each location. In the future, we will be more proactive in assisting members in venturing into the mainland China market, making recommendations to the Hong Kong government and relevant authorities to facilitate Hong Kong manufacturers to develop across the Greater Bay Area with a streamlined flow of people, goods, funds and information. In parallel, manufacturers have started to deploy the “China+1” strategy and gradually formed the strategic coordination of Hong Kong as headquarters, Mainland China as the industrialisation base and domestic sales, and Southeast Asia as the mass production base and export. FHKI will continue to advocate for policies to create favourable conditions for Hong Kong manufacturers to enter the ASEAN market, with the vision of becoming the strategic centre of the regional industrial value chain in Asia. Revitalising Industries through Local Advanced Manufacturing The momentum for Hong Kong to develop modern industries has never been stronger in recent years. While pursuing innovation and technology advancement, various sectors have come to realise the pivotal role of manufacturing to turn R&D achievements and knowledge into sustained economic value. One of the major goals in my two-year term is to take forward the transformation of Hong Kong industries towards advanced manufacturing. The upgrade of traditional manufacturing activities and the creation of new high value- added sectors will further translate Hong Kong's R&D capabilities into industrial applications to foster long-term competitiveness. We will prioritise advanced electronics, food technology and food processing, recycling and environmental industry and biotechnology industry, assisting industrialists in setting up advanced manufacturing production lines locally to harness Hong Kong's strong R&D capabilities and favourable policy support in these fields. The rejuvenation of Hong Kong industries will further foster the development of producer services, such as R&D, design and certification, and shape a prospective career path in the modern manufacturing sector to attract young talents to join our force. As the most trusted partner of Hong Kong's industrialists, FHKI vows to work in full swing to pave the way for our corporate members in upgrading and transforming business, adopting advanced manufacturing, expanding towards the Greater Bay Area and ASEAN economies, and taking the “Made by Hong Kong” label to the next level. I welcome all industry players to join FHKI to chart new development paths together with like-minded industrialists in our way towards the new industrial era of Hong Kong. 8-10/2021 | 7
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