Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
To combat climate change, the Government announced that the city will strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. In 2021, the “Clean Air Plan for Hong Kong 2035” was launched to outline the long-term strategy on the popularisation of electric vehicles, new energy transportation, reduction of vehicular and vessel emissions, low-carbon electricity generation etc. Besides, China has announced that it will strive to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. An action plan will be formulated within this year. Under this trend, the energy and power industry plays a pivotal role to accelerate the transition towards a low carbon society in line with the Government’s long-term decarbonisation policies and roadmap. Looking forward, the industry will continue to invest into environmental-friendly energy and fuels as well as conduct R&D on technological innovations to help reduce carbon emission and enhance energy efficiency. By integrating digital transformation into its diverse business portfolio, the industry is well-equipped to provide cleaner energy options to the manufacturing sectors and citizens and thereby, jointly propel towards a low-carbon and sustainable circular economy. 為應對氣候變化,香港政府在2020年宣布 將致力爭取於2050年前實現碳中和,並在 2021年中發布《香港清新空氣藍圖2035》, 推展電動車普及化、新能源交通工具、車輛 及船舶減排、低碳發電策略等的長遠策略。 另一方面,中國內地力爭2030年前「碳達 峰」,在2060年前實現碳中和,並將推出詳 盡行動方案。在此大趨勢下,能源及動力產 業具有重要的角色,配合政府長遠減碳政策 及路線圖,助社會向低碳發展。 展望將來,業界將會持續投資引入更環保的 能源及燃料、研發創新的減碳及管理技術以 提升能源效益,以數碼化及多元化的業務組 合,為工業界及市民提供潔淨的能源,邁向 低碳、可持續的循環經濟。 Chairman: Daniel Fung 主席:馮文傑 | Vice-Chairman: Eric Cheung 副主席:張寶中 Energy and power 能源及動力 GROUP 6 分組 第 8-10/2021 | 69
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