Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
The Hong Kong electronics industry is still recovering from the impact of the China-US trade tensions risen in recently years. Manufacturers are adopting the “China+1” strategy to cope with the additional tariff and manage cross-border trading risks. Relatively cost- saving regions in Southeast Asia such as Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines are common destinations for Hong Kong’s electronics manufacturers to set up additional production lines. Last year, the unprecedented pandemic had led to surging demand for electronics products, especially home entertainment and work-from-home supplies, resulting in a quick recovery of the electronics sector amid the shock at the early stage of COVID-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, the international cargo logistics remained in chaos due to on-and-off local outbreaks where container shortage and price inflation are intensifying. Coupled with the fluctuation in semiconductor and raw materials supply, the electronics industry is still under immense operational pressure, especially those exporting high- value products. On the other hand, the national development strategy and Hong Kong’s drive on innovation and technology pose great opportunities for the advancement of electronics industry. The national 14 th Five-Year Plan emphasised on promoting core technological competence along semiconductor and IC production value chain. The industry in the Greater Bay Area will also benefit from the “Powerful Chip” initiative launched by the Guangdong provincial administration. Besides, under the drive of “re-industrialisation” in Hong Kong, the industry shall make use of the solid research foundation in electronic engineering in local institutes for commercialisation and establishing advanced electronics production lines as a new source of economic growth. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership signed by fifteen economies in the Asia-pacific region is also expected to expand to component choices for manufacturers and strengthen collaboration of regional production value chain. With all these initiatives in place, it is now the best time for Hong Kong’s electronics industry to advance in technological competence and develop sustained competitive advantage. 中美貿易戰對電子業造成的影響深遠,近 年不少港資廠商為規避關稅及分散跨境貿 易風險,採取「中國+1」策略,在越南、印 尼及菲律賓等較低成本的東南亞地區增設生 產線,逐漸形成區域化的產業鏈。在過去一 年,新冠肺炎疫情令消費者對電子產品、特 別是家居娛樂及在家工作配備的需求大增, 電子業是復甦最快的製造行業之一。但與此 同時,各國疫情反覆令全球物流服務一直未 能回復正常運作,貨櫃長期短缺及運費高 企;加上全球商用晶片短缺及原材料格價上 升等,對主打高端出口市場的電子製造商造 成頗大營運壓力。 而另一方面,國家產業政策及香港創科發展 等,為電子業向先進製造業升級創造有利條 件。國家「十四五規劃」重點推動半導體及 集成電路全產業鏈的關鍵核心技術進步,當 中特別是廣東省實施「強芯工程」,為在大灣 區營運的電子業界帶來龐大機遇。而且,香 港近年推動本地「再工業化」,業界應善用 大學和科研機構在電子工程上的研究實力, 將科研成果產業化,在本港拓展先進電子生 產線,成為經濟增長的新動力。加上亞太區 十五國簽訂《區域全面經濟夥伴協定》,更有 利業界採購關鍵零部件及強化區域內產業鏈 合作。香港電子業界宜把握時機,進一步深 化技術能力,創造競爭優勢。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Steve Chuang 主席:莊子雄 | Vice-Chairman: Dr Alfred Ng 副主席:吳民卓博士 Hong Kong Electronics Industry Council 香港電子業總會 GROUP 5 分組 第 68 | 8-10/2021
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