Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

28.7% year-over-year and became the main driver for retail growth. Manufacturers with original brand must seek to develop on this front in order to maintain market position. The ready-to-wear industry in mainland China is becoming a major growth area for Hong Kong’s manufacturers as the market has shown great resilience after the pandemic has been quickly under control by the administration. With distinct four seasons, the mainland China has demand for a wide spectrum of garment styles. In addition, consumers are now more health-conscious due to the pandemic, and this is set to lead to a significant growth in the sportswear market. Statistics showed that the sales of sportswear in China last year were US$19.4 billion (mainly comprising sportswear, outdoor apparel and clothes with sports elements) and are expected to grow by 92% in five years. As Hong Kong’s industry mostly has production lines established in the ASEAN countries, they will benefit from the tariff reductions and trade facilitations brought about by the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). Together with the mass population and growing consumption power in ASEAN markets, the trade volume for clothing and accessories in the region is set to flourish in coming years. On the other hand, the industry shall be cautious of today’s consumer expectation on product sustainability. According to a study of the China Textile Industry Association, consumers in China are expecting clothing product life cycle to be more environmental- friendly with less pollution in every stage, and they claim that this affects their apparel purchasing decisions. It calls for the industry to consider adopting more degradable materials and introducing technology to reduce pollution in the production process to seek the buy-in of new generation consumers. The industry is also encouraged to invest into technological innovation to develop more recyclable and reusable materials, as well as to utilise the R&D achievement of local institutions to enhance product variety, streamline production and bolster operational efficiency. 裝類的快速消費品;2021年,中國服裝市 場的成衣電商業務的零售數字同比增長更躍 升至28.7%,成為零售增長的主要推動力。 網購平台已成為建立品牌的服裝製造商必爭 之地。 中國內地在快速控制疫情後消費力更顯韌 性,國內的成衣行業為港資廠商帶來龐大的 發展空間。內地天氣四季分明,對多元成衣 款式需求若切;加上疫情下消費者對健康更 為重視,運動服裝市場有望成為新增長點。 據統計,去年中國運動服銷售額為194億美 元(主要包含運動服、戶外服以及具有運動 元素的服裝),預計5年後將再增長92%。而 且,服裝業界的生產線多設於東盟,將受惠 於《區域全面經濟夥伴協定》中原產地累積 原則所帶來的關稅減免及各種貿易便利,加 上東盟具有龐大人口基礎及消費能力日增, 勢將帶動區內服裝產品的貿易量。 另一方面,業界亦應多加注意現今消費者對 服裝可持續性的期望。中國綿紡織行業協會 一項調查顯示,受訪者希望從服裝生產到回 收都可以更環保的方式進行,減少對環境的 污染,並指這會影響他們的購買決策。服裝 業應考慮採用更多可降解的物料、以及在製 造過程中減少污染的技術,爭取新一代消費 者的支持。業界亦應投入於科研創新,開拓 更多元化的可重用、可回收物料,並善用香 港科研機構的成果豐富產品線及改善生產流 程,提升營運效率。 8-10/2021 | 67