Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
Innovation and technology have been transforming the construction sector worldwide. Hong Kong’s construction industry is also harnessing innovation and technology to introduce more high-performance and sustainable construction materials, as well as applying data technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet-of-Things (IoT), unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), and Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) approach with a view to boosting productivity, uplifting built quality and environmental performance, and enhancing site safety. The Construction Innovation and Technology Fund, established by the Development Bureau in October 2018, had approved more than $420 million grants to about 1,800 applications as of April 2021. The categories with the most approved applications and funding include advanced construction technologies, building information modelling (BIM) software, hardware and training, demonstrating the industry’s drive to enhance building technology and improve project quality. In the coming years, the new development areas in New Territories, the Lok Ma Chau Loop and the artificial islands in the Central Waters will gradually be ready for development. Besides, the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will stimulate demands on infrastructure to enhance connectivity across cities. The building materials and construction industries are well-positioned to capture these opportunities and contribute towards the development of a more livable Hong Kong. The Council will support members in their sustainability journey and data transformation and nurturing talents for modern construction industries, thereby bolstering long-term competitiveness of the sector. 創新及科技帶動全球建造業轉型,香港建造 業亦與時並進,善用創新科技,提供更高性 能、可持續的建築物料,並朝著數據化的方 向發展,積極研發和應用數據、人工智能 (AI)、物聯網(IoT)及無人機(UAS)等技術, 又應用「組裝合成」建築法,以提升生產力、 持續改善建造質素和環保效益、及確保工地 安全。 發展局在2018年10月推出的建造業創科基 金,至今年4月底資助了近1,800個項目合 共逾4億2千萬元。資助項目和金額最多的 類別是創新建築科技,其次是建築信息模擬 (BIM)軟件、硬件及培訓,可見業界不斷利 用科技改良技術,提高工程質量。 在未來數年,政府規劃的多個新界新發展 區、落馬洲河套區、中部水域人工島等陸續 供應土地,加上粵港澳大灣區互聯互通帶來 的基建需求,建築物料及建造行業發展前景 明朗,更身負建設香港為宜居城市的重任。 協會將會致力鼓勵行業向可持續發展及數據 化轉型,培育現代建造業人才,助業界提升 長遠競爭力。 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT | 周年大會特輯 Chairman: Clara Chan 主席:陳婉珊 | Vice-Chairman: Philip Cho 副主席:曹凱廸 Hong Kong Building Materials and Construction Industries Council 香港建築物料及建造行業協會 GROUP 2 分組 第 64 | 8-10/2021
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