Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
我 衷心感謝理事會對我的信任和支持, 推選我出任工總2021-23年度主席。 首先,我特別向剛卸任的葉中賢博士致 謝,過去兩年香港先後經歷社會事件及新 冠肺炎疫情,社會和經濟發展舉步為艱。 在葉主席領導下,工總與會員企業迎難而 上,爭取協助中小企廠商應急的政策支 援,不少會務亦移師網上,協助會員企業 把握疫後新常態,尋找升級轉型、開拓市 場的新機遇。未來兩年,我和主席團以及 理事會成員必定全力以赴、為業界領航, 續顯工業輝煌。 一轉眼,我已投身工業界三十多年,見證行 業不斷演變。八十年代開始,業界相繼北上 設廠,至近年開創品牌、投資科研創新、及 遠赴東南亞發展,香港工業家一直憑靈活多 變以及務實求進的態度,開闢新徑,在競爭 中脫穎而出。過去兩年,雖然新冠肺炎疫情 來襲,但有危必有機,加上官、產、學、研 各界別對推動創科及再工業化的大力支持, 現在絕對是香港工業界再上一層樓的黃金時 機。 融入國家發展大局 拓展海外新興市場 今年正值國家《十四五規劃綱要》開局之年, 為香港帶來無限機遇,在多個經濟及社會 範疇中重點支持香港和大灣區的發展。《大 I am very grateful for the trust and support from the General Committee in electing me as the 2021-2023 Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”). I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the immediate past Chairman Dr Daniel Yip. Social unrest and the COVID-19 outbreak over the past two years have brought unprecedented challenges for all sectors in Hong Kong. Under Dr Yip’s leadership, FHKI has demonstrated resilience and advocated for policy support to SME manufacturers in adversity. We established online channels to maintain close contact with members and support them in seeking opportunities under the new normal. In my two-year chairmanship, I will spare no effort with the leadership and General Committee to pilot the way forward for fellow industrialists and reinvent Hong Kong industries. In the blink of an eye, I have been walking together with the Hong Kong industries for more than three decades. Since the northward movement in the 1980s, to the OBM development, technological advancement and expansion to Southeast Asia in more recent years, Hong Kong industrialists have shown to be adaptable, responsive and resilient to overcome difficulties and take advantage of new opportunities. Despite the pandemic, golden opportunities arise for Hong Kong's industries to propel forward along with the full support from the Government, industry, academic and research sectors on promoting the development of innovation and technology as well as re-industrialisation. Bolster “Made by Hong Kong” in the New Industrial Era 發揚「香港製造」 開創工業新時代 LEADERSHIP VIEWS | 我觀我見 Chairman 主席 Dr Sunny Chai 查毅超 博士 6 | 8-10/2021
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