Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

06 18 LEADERSHIP VIEWS 我觀我見 Bolster “Made by Hong Kong” in the New Industrial Era 發揚「香港製造」 開創工業新時代 Anti-epidemic Effort Determines Bargaining Power As Pandemic Surges in Southeast Asia 東南亞疫情緊張 抗疫能力成議價關鍵 National Space Exploration Leads to Breakthrough in High-Tech Industries 香港科研助力航天突破 技術落地化身高新產業 Revitalising Industrial Buildings for Advanced Industries 活化工廈兩步走 工廈工業雙轉型 Constructing Complementary Talent Pool across the Greater Bay Area 中港專才互補 建大灣區職才庫 Optimising Data Transformation for Sustainable Industrial Development 善用數據化轉型 引領工業可持續發展 Harnessing GBA's Multi-centre Landscape to Influence Industrial Advancement 把握大灣區多中心格局 發揮產業影響力 “Climate Diplomacy” Turns the Wheels for Environmental Industries 「氣候外交」成契機 加速環保產業發展 Capturing the Southeast Asia’s e-Commerce Market with Growing Female Participation 拓展東南亞電商 女性影響力不容忽視 Standard Patent by Original Grant in Hong Kong Paves Way for Future Cross-sector Research Cooperation 香港批出首項原授標準專利 有利產學研合作發展 FOCUS STORY 專題 Conventional X Unconventional: New Era of Biotechnology 傳統 X 新興:生物科技新氣象 40 42 52 63 92 100 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING SUPPLEMENT 周年大會特輯 Dr Sunny Chai elected as new FHKI Chairman Take Forward the Vision of “Reinventing Hong Kong Industries” 查毅超博士當選工總新主席 延續「工業創新」偉大願景 2021-2023 FHKI Leadership 2021-2023 工總領導 2021-2023 General Committee 2021-2023 理事會 Industry Outlook 行業分組前瞻 2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES 2020 「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 “MADE BY HONG KONG – THE WAY FORWARD FOR HK INDUSTRIES” RESEARCH REPORT 《香港製造:香港工業啟新章》研究報告 INDUSTRY POLICY 18 2021 August 八月 – October 十月 4 | 8-10/2021