Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Standard Patent by Original Grant in Hong Kong Paves Way for Future Cross-sector Research Cooperation 香港批出首項原授標準專利 有利產學研合作發展 H ong Kong grants the first-ever standard patent by original grant in June, symbolising a milestone in the development of Hong Kong's patent system. Intellectual Property Department launched the original grant patent (OGP) system in December 2019, providing patent applicants with a direct route for seeking standard patent protection in Hong Kong for a maximum term of 20 years, as an alternative to the existing "re-registration" route. Enterprises can now take advantage of the more flexible and efficient examination process of the OGP system to reduce costs for patent protection and shorten the time needed for registration by making application in Hong Kong directly. Patents are the foundation of commercialising research outputs and one of the important elements for the development of innovation and technology. Research outputs from universities and research centres can be transferred through patents and licensed to industrial enterprises for industrialisation. OGP system facilitates a handy application procedure for local researchers and enterprises to further foster collaboration among industry, university and research sectors, as well as to strengthen Hong Kong’s role as an international centre for innovation and technology in the Greater Bay Area. The Intellectual Property Centre of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries has near three decades of profound experience in providing one-stop intellectual property consulting and application services to help manufacturers safeguard their technology and brands, thereby enhancing the value and long-term competitiveness of Hong Kong-invested manufacturing industry. 香 港在剛過去的6月批出首項原授標準專利,標誌著香港專利制度發展的里程碑。知識產權署在2019年12月 推出原授專利制度,讓申請人可以直接在香港取得標準專利,得到最長為期二十年的保護,為一直沿用的海 外標準專利「再註冊」制度外提供多一個選擇。港商可利用新制度較靈活快捷的審查程序,降低專利保護成本,亦 因可直接在港提出申請,縮短等侯時間。 專利是科研成果商品化的基礎,與創新科技發展的關係密不可分。大專院校及研究中心的科研成果,可藉著專利 進行技術轉移,授權予工業企業進行產業化。原授專利制度便利本地科研團隊和企業作出申請,促進產學研合作, 是助香港做好大灣區國際創科中心角色的重要一步。香港工業總會的知識產權中心具有近三十年的豐富經驗,為 業界提供一站式的知識產權諮詢、申請服務,助廠商的技術和品牌得到保障,更進一步提升港資製造業的價值和 長遠競爭力。 Deputy Chairman 副主席 Gary Lau 劉燊濤 LEADERSHIP VIEWS | 我觀我見 16 | 8-10/2021