Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

FHKI Group 30 (Hong Kong Innovation and Creative Industries Council) organised the visit to ACGHK 2021. The Executive Committee led the delegation to visit the exhibition booths of group members, and understand the latest ACG, electronic games, pop culture as well as the trends in electronic entertainment. 第30分組(香港創新及創意工業協會)組識會員參觀香港動漫電玩節,由執委會 帶領到訪多個協會會員的展位,了解最新動漫、電玩及潮流文化,以及數碼娛樂 趨勢。 Visit to Animation-Comic-Game Hong Kong 2021 參觀香港動漫電玩節2021 23/7 YEC co-organised the Summer Boat Trip with Youth Councils. Young industrialists from the industrial community and their family were invited to enjoy water sports together to promote interaction between the youth councils. 青年委員會與其他青年協會合辦遊船河活動,廣邀工業界青年朋友與家人一同參 與水上活動,促進協會間之交流。 Summer Boat Trip with Youth Councils 青年協會「夏日船河」 31/7