Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Harnessing GBA's Multi-centre Landscape to Influence Industrial Advancement 把握大灣區多中心格局 發揮產業影響力 J ones Lang LaSalle has recently promulgated “Redefining the GBA’s Industrial Network and Spatial Distribution” report to examine spatial patterns of urban development in GBA and the future regional industrial network from the spatial planning perspective. The research suggested that the GBA is developing into ring-shaped industrial chains with Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the core economic engines and interlink surrounding cities through extensive transportation networks. Letting Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou as centres of research and innovation, connected by the world factory in Dongguan for industrialisation and the west Pearl River Belts centred by Foshan for advanced equipment manufacturing, a complete industrial division of labour is formed in the region. In addition, the five key modern manufacturing nodes, namely Guangzhou Nansha, Shenzhen Qianhai, Zhuhai Hengqin, Dongguan Binhai and Zhongshan Cuiheng, will be connected along the geographic direction into a semi-circular developmental belt. Despite the multi-centres pattern, Hong Kong remains the strategic outpost in the region. Not only a regional centre of innovation and technology, it is also the headquarter and procurement hub of many Hong Kong-invested manufacturing plants in GBA, exerting heavy influence to the industrial development. Take the plastics industry that I work in as an example, Hong Kong-invested manufacturers practice much higher standards on sustainable development and green manufacturing. The industry leads the development and adoption of recyclable and reusable plastic products and raw materials, as well as takes forward the best carbon neutralisation methods to direct the mainland manufacturing industry towards greener production. Hong Kong’s industrial sectors shall take the lead to influence the GBA’s manufacturing industry in innovation-driven advancement. 仲 量聯行近月發佈《重構粵港澳大灣區產業圈層與空間布局》,以產業為切入點,透過空間規劃理論,分享大 灣區未來產業布局。報告提到大灣區正構建以香港、廣州、深圳為核心引擎、透過交通網絡等軸帶工具連繫 周邊城市,形成環狀的產業格局。香港、深圳、廣州作為科研創新中心,以世界工廠東莞連接進行產業化,再到以 佛山為核心的珠西先進裝備製造產業帶,形成完整的產業分工;另外,廣州南沙、深圳前海、珠海橫琴、東莞濱海新 區和中山翠亨新區這五個關鍵的現代製造業節點,沿地理走向連接成一條半環形透過的內環發展軸帶。 香港在大灣區的多中心格局中,仍然佔有戰略性的位置:不但是區內的創科中心,同時更指揮港資廠商在內地的 生產活動和採購策略,引領產業發展方向。以我從事的塑膠業為例,香港企業對可持續發展、環保製造要求甚高, 業界一直帶領發展可回收、可重用的塑膠品和原材料,研究達致碳中和的最佳方式,對內地製造業起了重要的指 引作用,帶領區域向綠色製造轉型。不同的工業界別均應以香港為核心發揮影響力,助大灣區製造業不斷創新 進步。 Deputy Chairman 副主席 Bernie Ting 丁煒章 8-10/2021 | 13