Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
工總一直鼓勵業界善用商業力量,服務和 回饋社會,並作為企業分享經驗及合作的 平台,推動業界履行企業社會責任。今年 「工業獻愛心」表揚計劃設有企業組和中 小企業組,兩組別均設有六個獎項,包括 「至尊關懷大獎」、「卓越關懷獎」、「最具踴 躍投入獎」、「最具創意獎」、「最具共享價 值獎」和「最具社會創效能力獎」。今屆更 新增「8年+ 工業獻愛心」嘉許以表揚連續 8年或以上參與「工業獻愛心」表揚計劃的 企業。報名已於7月30日截止,大會共收 得102家企業報名,委員會將評審參賽項 目的社會創效能力、資源投入、自發性、 創造共享價值,以選出得獎者,並於9月 28日舉行頒獎典禮。 CSR strategy for the company despite sizes and the amount of resources. HK Decoman Technology pointed out that even though the company does not have a CSR department, the mission of serving the society is integrated into each and every part of their daily operation where the caring culture is visible in all of their services. FHKI has always encouraged the industry to make good use of the commercial forces to serve and contribute to the community. As the platform for companies to share experience, cooperate and promote the fulfilment of CSR within the industry, this year’s Industry Cares Recognition Scheme will grant 6 awards, including “The Grand Award”, “Outstanding Caring Awards”, “The Most Devoted Award”, “The Most Innovative Award”, “The Best CSV Award”, “The Best Social Impact Award” under the Enterprise Group and SME Group respectively. This year, the “8+ Years Industry Care” recognition is introduced to recognise companies which have participated in the scheme for 8 consecutive years or above. Registration is closed on 30 July with a total of 102 registrations received. The judging panel will assess all participating CSR Projects by considering their social impact, resources devoted, initiatives, and CSV. The winners will be recognised at the presentation ceremony to be held on 28 September. https://www.industryhk.org/tc/awards/industry-cares/ 8-10/2021 | 123
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