Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

are all very supportive to this initiative and even ask for more vegetarian days in a week. “The vegetarian meals are even more expensive than meat meals. We insisted to do so because we see the long-term health benefit for our staff members, but not because of short-term gains.” On the other hand, Founder of Come Know (Asia) Ltd., Sam Sio shared on how he integrated social responsibility into his daily business. While the company’s main business is creative and media planning, Come Know launched a new media platform “SME LAB” in 2018 to tailor native market information for SMEs. During the pandemic, they also launched the “Webcast+”, providing various affordable online event services for SMEs. Both Juliana and Sam expressed their hope to share their knowledge and technology know-how under the “new normal” to help younger generation to join the industry, learn new skills and succeed their vision to implement CSR for the betterment of the society. In addition, representatives from last year’s winners of The Grand Award, Laws Fashion Group Ltd. (Enterprise Group) and HK Decoman Technology Ltd. (SME Group), also shared their experience in participating in the Scheme and developing the right FHKI EVENT | 工總花絮 今屆啟動禮的分享會上,主辦機構邀請了多 間企業分享如何在「新常態」下推動企業社會 責任,包括InnoTier創辦人林曉盈、襟撈(亞 洲)有限公司創辦人蕭國煒,及曾獲得上屆 「至尊關懷大獎」的羅氏時裝集團有限公司和 裝修佬科技有限公司。 經歷過往一年半新冠肺炎疫情後,大家也開 始接受疫情下的「新常態」。除了個人生活 及業務營運外,企業在推行企業社會責任 (CSR)及創造共享價值(CSV)上也需要引 入新思維、新方式。InnoTier 創辦人林曉盈 指,推行CSR時會選擇能為員工帶來長遠 好處的事。她舉例指出,數年前公司推出員 工一周一天吃素的計劃,希望助員工改善健 康。但工廠同事以為公司只是想降低營運開 支,又擔心茹素會令工作體力不足,並不支 持公司的計劃。為了說服員工,林曉盈特意 請營養師設計素食餐單,更把素食及肉食餐 單的營養及價格列出讓同事比較,最後才獲 得同事認可,到現在甚至主動要求每周增加 素食的日數。林曉盈笑指,「其實素食的成本 更貴,我們是希望員工能長遠改善健康才堅 持執行,而非只看短期的利益。」另一方面, 襟撈(亞洲)有限公司創辦人蕭國煒則將社 會責任融入業務。公司本身從事創意及媒體 策劃,在2018年他們新增新媒體平台「SME LAB 中小企研究所」助中小企獲得市場資 訊,在疫情期間更推出「網播專+」,讓資源 較少的企業也能夠製作網上直播活動。他們 兩位均表示希望在「新常態」下,能更多機會 分享自己懂得的技術及科技,助新人加入行 業並獲得一技之長,並將推行企業社會責任 的理念傳承下去。 此外,以往曾獲得「至尊關懷大獎」的羅氏 時裝集團有限公司和裝修佬科技有限公司, 亦派代表出席分享參與計劃的心得。他們表 示企業不論規模或資源多少,都可以找到適 合自己的CSR策略。裝修佬指,公司雖然沒 有CSR部門,但企業服務社會的宗旨和文化 已經融入日常營運,形成關愛社會的文化, 貫徹在公司每一個服務當中。 At the sharing session of the launching ceremony, founder of InnoTier Limited, Juliana Lam and founder of Come Know (Asia) Ltd., Sam Sio, awardees of last year’s “The Grand Award” Laws Fashion Group Ltd. (Enterprise Group) and HK Decoman Technology Ltd. (SME Group) were invited to share their experience and insights on how to take forward CSR under the “new normal”. After experiencing the one-and-a-half year of COVID-19 pandemic, people are getting more used to the “new normal”. Besides personal life and business operations, companies are adapting CSR and CSV with new thinking and approaches. Founder of InnoTier Limited, Juliana Lam, pointed out that her CSR initiatives aim at enhancing the longer-term wellness for employees. She shared the experience of promoting vegetarian lunch in workplace in 2017, which was designed to help her staff live a healthier life. At that time, employees thought that this was for cost-reduction and were worried of losing energy to work after vegetarian meals. To win the employees’ buy-in, Juliana invited professional dietitian to design the vegetarian menu with clear comparison of the nutrition value and costs of vegetarian and meat menus. Today, the employees 122 | 8-10/2021