Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
T he Committee on Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR Committee”) under the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) has organised the Industry Cares Recognition Scheme since 2013 to recognise companies that bring good benefits to society and support the industry to integrate CSR into its business. On 18 June, the 9 th Industry Cares Recognition Scheme was launched with the theme “Integrating into the New Normal with Positive Energy” and is open for application. Dr Bernard Chan, Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, was invited to officiate the Ceremony. He mentioned that other than seeking profit, enterprises are duty-bound to contribute back to society from their gains. This will also help enterprises develop a positive corporate image and ensure long-term business sustainability. Ricky Chan, FHKI’s Deputy Chairman, also said in his remarks, “Due to the pandemic, the past year has been tremendously challenging for most of the companies. However, enterprises were also inspired to implement more CSR initiatives to tide over this difficult period with the public. Last year, we received 106 applications which was on similar level as previous years. The spirits of mutual help embodied in local enterprises are encouraging.” He also expressed his gratitude to various parties, including the Caring Partner China Construction Bank (Asia), co-organisers, and supporting organisations, for their continuous support to the Scheme. 工 總轄下的促進企業社會責任委員 會自2013年起舉辦「工業獻愛心」 表揚計劃,表揚為社會帶來良好效益的 企業,支持業界將企業社會責任融入業 務。在6月18日,第九屆「工業獻愛心」 表揚計劃正式啟動,宣布今年主題為 「融入新常態 凝聚正能量」,並正式開始 接受企業報名參加。 啟動典禮邀請了商務及經濟發展局副 局長陳百里博士為主禮嘉賓,他在致 辭時表示企業在追求利益之餘,也要 「取之社會,用之社會」,從而提升企業 形象,促進可持續發展。工總副主席 陳偉聰在致辭時亦表示:「上年的疫情 對大部分企業來說,都是極具挑戰的 一年,但亦正正因為疫情,反而激發 起不少企業主動去履行CSR(企業社會 責任),與市民共渡時艱。我們上年收 到106家企業參與計劃,成績跟往年 相若,可見香港企業在經濟受創,仍 然不忘回饋社會,實在令人振奮。」他 亦感謝各界一直支持「工業獻愛心」表 揚計劃,包括愛心夥伴中國建設銀行 (亞洲)、一眾協辦機構和支持機構。 8-10/2021 | 121
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