Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
Share design knowledge and expertise with others 與外界分享設計專業知識 Promote the importance of design internally and externally 內外推廣設計的重要性 Encourage design collaboration 鼓勵設計合作 Invest in design, short-term and long-term 對設計作短期及長期投資 Engage designers, foreign or domestic, in-house or independent 聘用或外判工作給本地或外地的設計師 Respect design, from design process to design outcome through design policy, design management, and protection of intellectual property rights 尊重設計,設計過程至成果均有一套 完善設計政策及管理,並保護知識產權 Share 分享 Promote 推廣 Invest 投資 Engage 聘用 Respect 尊重 With the aim of encouraging companies to build capable design teams, DCHK launches the “Hong Kong D-Mark Certification Scheme”(“D-Mark”), to give recognition to companies that have established an effective framework for harnessing quality designs. Since 2015, more than 100 enterprises have received D-Mark certification for their outstanding achievements in improving product design capabilities. 為鼓勵企業建立優質卓越的設計團隊,並活用優質設計,香港設計委員會推出「香港D嘜認證計劃」 (「D嘜」),表揚有良好機制去善用設計的企業。自2015年推出至今,已為近百間企業作出認證。 Companies with a valid HKSAR Business Registration that pledge to comply with the below requirements are eligible to apply for the D-Mark. 凡持有有效的香港商業登記證的企業並承諾遵守以下要求,均可提出申請。 Encourage 鼓勵 https://www.industryhk.org/tc/services/dmark/ deliverables. In the sharing session, Conrad Chung, Vice President of Starlite Visual Communication Limited (“Starlite”) and Priscilla Hui, Co-Founder and CEO of PRISTER Corp Limited (“PRISTER”) shared their experiences on how to flexibly integrate creative design, technology and digital transformation into manufacturing of customised products and providing services that cater to the market need. Conrad described how Starlite, a traditional printing and packaging business, upgraded and transformed from OEM to ODM, and then established their own brand “Team Green” recently. Team Green leverages Starlite's expertise of printing technology to launch the JIGZLE 3D wooden puzzle. JIGZLE successfully embarks on path towards the boutique market with growing popularity among consumers. STEAM education swept across the globe. Priscilla, raised in a family in the toy business, shared how she and her younger brother uphold the concepts between “inheriting” and "innovation". They co-founded PRISTER to introduce STEAM-learning products into the toy market in a new way. Priscilla described herself as a specialist in toy testing with the strong belief that toys allow children boundless opportunities to explore, experience and enquire in their learning journey. Aiming to cultivate innovative minds and problem-solving skills in the next generation, Priscilla brings a wide spectrum of educational STEAM toys and programmes to the consumer market through PRISTER. Globalization has led to a new dynamic of competition. Traditional industries must breakthrough the existing boundaries to shape multi-faceted relationship between products and services through design and creativity for sustainable business growth. DCHK believes that manufacturing and design are intrinsic twins to each other where integrating innovative designs into manufactured products will create infinite development possibilities. DCHK will continue its efforts to facilitate the business community to add value to their products and services through the use of design and boost pride in the “Design in Hong Kong” label. Team Green 善用集團在印刷技術上的優 勢,推出獨一無二的3D立體環保木拼圖產品 JIGZLE,轉戰精品市場,深受消費者歡迎。 STEAM教育熱潮席捲全球,生於傳統玩具廠 世家的Priscilla,分享了自己與弟弟如何秉 持「傳承」及「創新」的理念,共同經營的 PRISTER品牌,由零開始開拓STEAM教育玩 具產品和市場。Priscilla 從小時候開始已為 家族企業擔當「玩具測試專員」,她相信玩 具可以激發自主學習本能,讓小孩探索和體 驗世界。因此她創立了PRISTER,為消費者 引入多個品牌的STEAM教育產品和課程,讓 更多小孩能夠在玩樂中學習科學科技知識, 培養創新、解難能力。 在全球化競爭下,傳統企業要衝破舊有的束 縛和規限,培育創意文化,才能有效推動可 持續發展。香港設計委員會相信工業與設計 環環相扣,運用創新思維揉合工業產品,定 必可以產生無限的發展空間。香港設計委員 會將繼續努力促進本地業界利用創意設計 為產品及服務增值,為「香港設計」打響 名堂。 8-10/2021 | 117
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