Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
FHKI EVENT | 工總花絮 香港D嘜認證頒發典禮 2021 HONG KONG PRESENTATION CEREMONY 2021 T he Design Council of Hong Kong (“DCHK”) under the Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) organised the “Hong Kong D-Mark Presentation Ceremony 2021”. This year, the Ceremony was held at the exhibition hall in FHKI Head Office to present D-Mark certificates to local enterprises and showcased their “D-Mark” products. The Ceremony was officiated by Dr Daniel Yip, Chairman of FHKI and Ken Fung, Chairman of DCHK, with Jersey Yuen, Assistant Head of Create Hong Kong as the Guest-of-Honour. At the Ceremony, Jersey Yuen, Dr Daniel Yip and Ken Fung presented "D-Mark" certificates to enterprises. More than 80 certified enterprises, which spanned across multiple industries from printing, furniture and household products, architecture and interior design, advertising, to watches, food, and ecotechnology, were recognised this year, proving that design and creative thinking can be widely adopted in all walks of life. Besides, the Ceremony also featured a mini exhibition, allowing “D-Mark” awardees to showcase their products on site. The guests actively exchanged their ideas and views on how design and creative thinking can add value to their products and services that cater to customers' needs. In recent years, enterprises are letting go of their traditional manufacturing mindsets and actively adopt innovative ideas and designs to create new tradable 香 港工業總會(工總)轄下的香港設 計委員會舉辦了「香港D嘜認證頒發 典禮2021」。今年頒獎禮移師到工總辦事處 展覽廳舉行,多間香港企業獲頒發「D嘜」 (D-Mark)認證,並展示其創意設計產品。 是屆典禮由工總主席葉中賢博士和香港設計 委員會主席馮建輝主持,並邀得創意香港助 理總監袁賽芳擔任主禮嘉賓。 典禮上,袁賽芳、葉中賢博士及馮建輝頒發 「D嘜」認證證書予各企業。今年獲頒發認 證的企業超過80間,獲得認證的企業業務層 面相當廣泛,由印務、傢俬家品、建築及室 內設計、廣告,至鐘錶、食品、環保科技, 可見設計及創意思維能夠廣泛地應用到各 行各業。同場亦設有「D嘜」小型展覽會, 獲認證企業於現場展出多件「D嘜」認證產 品,出席的嘉賓踴躍交流,分享企業如何 透過創新意念為產品增值,迎合市場需要。 近年,愈來愈多傳統工業企業告別過去舊有 的產品思維,積極利用創新意念和設計為企 業增值,創造新的工業產品。在頒發典禮上 的企業分享環節「工業二代雙對論」中,星 光視覺媒體有限公司副總裁鍾志雄(Conrad) 和普斯特有限公司許佩珊(Priscilla)分享了他 們如何在工業新時代中發揮創意,運用精巧 設計、科技與網路技術,提升企業及產品形 象,製造更切合客人要求的產品。Conrad 分享了星光集團如何由傳統的印刷及包裝 業務升級轉型,由初時的OEM、到ODM、 再到近年創立旗下Team Green品牌。 116 | 8-10/2021
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