Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
impressed by the huge untapped potential of her technology right away,” he said. Instead of licensing her technology or soliciting her consultancy service, he decided to form a startup with Prof. Li. “I believe the commercialisation of research outcomes is a long-term process. I’m committed to working closely with Prof. Li in a long run and explore various possibilities. The best way to achieve that would be forming a partnership.” Mr Lam thanked PolyU's Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office for reviewing their business plan and offering a 10-week boot camp that honed their acumen. In 2020, their startup Grand Rise 「我認為把研究成果商品化是一個漫長的過 程,故希望與李教授長期地緊密合作,一起 探索各種可能性。而實現這目標的最佳方 法,就是與她建立夥伴合作關係。」林先生 感謝理大知識轉移及創業處審視他們的創業 計劃,並為他們提供為期十周的創業訓練 營,培養他們的營商觸覺。2020年,他們 的初創企業佳昇科技有限公司成功獲得天使 投資者注資,以及理大科技領航基金計劃的 配對資助,隨後更與在香港上市的化工業龍 頭合作,通過該公司在中國內地與香港的銷 售和客戶服務網絡,將聚護芯 TM 塗料推至更 寬廣的層面。另外,佳昇科技有限公司還成 功加入香港科技園屬下的科技創業培育計劃 (Incu-Tech),以獲取更多在融資、業務和 技術上的支援,為未來發展鋪路。 2021年3月,聚護芯 TM 抗菌、抗病毒塗料 於瑞士日內瓦國際發明展的網上特別版勇奪 金獎殊榮。 查詢 如欲查詢理大科研技術或知識轉移服務的資料,歡迎瀏覽理 大知識轉移及創業處網站www .polyu.edu.hk/kteo, 亦可致電 (852)3400-2929或電郵 至info.kteo@polyu.edu.hk與 理大知識轉移及創業處聯絡。 The original article was published in the April 2021 issue of Technology Frontier by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 原文刊登於香港理工大學電子刊物《技術前沿》2021年4月號。 Technology Limited successfully secured investment from an angel investor, with a matching fund from the PolyU Tech Launchpad Fund (TLF) Scheme. They also partnered with one of the leading listed chemical giants in Hong Kong, taking CareCoatex TM to the next level with its established sales and customer service network all over China. In March 2021, CareCoatex TM antimicrobial coating won a Gold Medal at the “Special Edition 2021 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days - Virtual Event”, the online version of the prestigious International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. Prof. Pauline Pei Li (left) and Mr Tenny Lam 李蓓教授(左)與林峯先生 Enquiry For enquiry about collaborating with PolyU or adopting our technologies, please contact the Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office of the university. Website : www.polyu.edu.hk/kteo Tel : (852) 3400-2929 Email : info.kteo@polyu.edu.hk 8-10/2021 | 113
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