Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

In light of this, scientists and researchers have been looking for a solution with a long- lasting an timicrobial effect on various surfaces, while being safe for humans and the environment. Prof. Pauline Pei Li from the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), partnered with Mr Tenny Lam to develop CareCoatex TM antimicrobial coating, a non- toxic and eco-friendly spray that kills 99% of common bacteria and viruses, with long-lasting action of up to six months. Mr Lam is a DBA candidate at PolyU, the owner of a chemical company, and a member of the CEO Club established by PolyU. Amphiphilic core-shell particles As early as 2003, Prof. Li was granted a patent on her groundbreaking core-shell particle technology, which can be a perfect solution for creating a safer and long- lasting antimicrobial coating. “Core-shell particles have two layers. Traditionally, the two layers usually have similar chemical properties, either water-based or oil- based. “My technology was revolutionary because I managed to combine two incompatible layers in one particle, so that the end product is amphiphilic – having both water- and oil-based components,” explained Prof. Li. Her unique core-shell particle can be made up of an oil-based 為了解決上述問題,科學家和研究人員致力 研發適用於不同材質、對人體和環境無害的 長效抗菌、抗病毒方案。香港理工大學(理 大)應用生物及化學科技學系李蓓教授與本 地化工產品生產公司董事長林峯先生合作, 成立初創企業,開發聚護芯 TM 抗菌、抗病毒 塗料。此無毒且環保的塗料能殺滅99%常見 細菌和病毒,其效力更可維持六個月之久。 林先生目前為理大工商管理博士生,亦是理 大「總裁協會」成員。 同時親水親油的兩親性核殼粒子 早於2003年,李教授已憑藉其突破性的核 殼顆粒技術取得專利,為聚護芯 TM 抗菌、 抗病毒塗料奠下研發基礎。李教授解釋說: 「核殼顆粒分內核、外殼兩層。傳統核殼顆 粒的內外兩層具有類似的化學特性,也就 是說,核和殼不是同屬水溶性,就是同屬 油溶性。而我的核殼顆粒技術突破了這個框 框,成功把兩層不相容的物質結合在同一 粒子中,製成同時親水和親油的兩親性核 殼粒子。」李教授研發的嶄新顆粒以油溶性 內核及水溶性外殼組成,經噴塗後,水分 會被蒸發,剩下的粒子就會緊緊地連接成 膜,形成持久耐用的塗層。 CareCoatex™ antimicrobial coating 聚護芯 TM 抗菌、抗病毒塗料 8-10/2021 | 111