Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

在 新冠疫情下,人們對個人和環境衛生的意識前所未有地提升。相信大家對於各國民眾在疫症初期搶 購漂白水、酒精和消毒搓手液的情景,至今仍歷歷在目。這些消毒用品無疑能有效地殺滅冠狀病毒等 病原體,但電梯按鈕、扶手等被群眾接觸的表面必須重複地消毒,方能達到預期效果。此外,有些消毒劑可 能會刺激皮膚;另一些則不宜長時間接觸,否則會損害健康。有毒的化學劑亦可能將毒素引入生態系統,污 染食水和其他珍貴資源。 LOCAL DISCOVERY | 本地科研 A mid the COVID-19 pandemic, people are more concerned about environmental hygiene than ever. Most of us still remember vividly how the hoarders snatched up bleach, alcohol, and hand sanitiser. Disinfectants effectively kill pathogens such as coronaviruses, but high-touch surfaces, such as elevator buttons and handrails, need frequent re-application to be free of germs. Moreover, certain disinfectants may be irritating to human skin while others may pose health risks upon prolonged exposure. Toxic chemicals may also leash and get into our ecosystem, contaminating water and other resources. Research excellence meets entrepreneurial mindset for impact and social good CARECOATEX TM ANTIMICROBIAL COATING 聚護芯TM抗菌、抗病毒塗料 學者主導初創企業 革新業界造福社會 110 | 8-10/2021