Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Constructing Complementary Talent Pool across the Greater Bay Area 中港專才互補 建大灣區職才庫 F HKI’s recent study “Made by Hong Kong – The Way Forward for HK Industries” reveals that Hong Kong-invested manufacturers face the challenge of brain-drain as they pursue industrial upgrading and local re-industrialisation. Industrial talent shortage and high turnover rate happened in both the Mainland and Hong Kong, making the cultivation of industrial talents a matter of urgency. As these manufacturers are generally based in Hong Kong with industrial production in the mainland China, companies can make good use of the favourable policies on both sides to formulate more comprehensive, cross-border talent acquisition strategy. In June, the Guangzhou Development District has promulgated the “International Talent Free Port” policy to attract erudite professionals worldwide to help address key technology gaps in critical industries, including artificial intelligence, integrated circuits, life science, new energy and new materials. The policy has responded to the needs of enterprises by including mid-level members of the core team in the talent support system and providing wage subsidies. It also provides allowances to encourage technical professionals to participate in qualification examinations and assessments. Under the directives of the “14 th Five-Year Plan”, it is believed that Guangdong Province will introduce even more favourable talent policies to help enterprises attract and nurture professionals with financial support in the future. With the integrated development in the Greater Bay Area, we anticipate further policies to facilitate talent circulation and research cooperation to be rolled out. Hong Kong-invested manufacturers should take timely actions to ride on these policies in the Greater Bay Area to fill the talent gap and establish a cross-border industrial talent pool in Hong Kong and Mainland. 工 總《香港製造:香港工業啟新章》研究顯示,港資廠商在升級轉型及本地再工業化時,在內地和香港都遇到 工業人才不足、流失率高等挑戰,重建工業人才體系的工作刻不容緩。港資廠商一般以香港以總部、內地為 產業化基地,企業可善用中港兩地的有利政策,更宏觀地規劃人才策略。 廣州開發區在六月出台「國際人才自由港10條」政策,吸納知識型國際創科專才,藉此突破人工智能、集成電路、 生命健康、新能源、新材料等重點產業的關鍵技術缺口。政策亦回應了企業反映的需求,將企業核心團隊中層 成員納入支持體系並提供工資補貼;並提供資助鼓勵專業技術人才積極參與專業技術資格考試和職稱評審。在 「十四五規劃」的指導下,相信廣東省將推出更多利好政策,助企業吸納、培育專才及提供補助。加上大灣區一體 化發展下,人才流通、研究合作政策將越來越成熟,港資廠商應把握機會,積極善用大灣區內政策,填補人才缺口, 在中港兩地建立跨境職業人才庫。 Ricky Chan 陳偉聰 Executive Deputy Chairman 常務副主席 8-10/2021 | 11