Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021
RESEARCH REPORT | 研究報告 Hong Kong has always been Asia’s financial and trade centre, possessing a mature international business network and extremely favourable conditions for becoming the core of manufacturing production value chain in Asia. FHKI recommends: • Using the GBA and Southeast Asia as bases for mass production, Hong Kong can provide high value-add upstream and downstream producer services as well as advanced manufacturing procedures and become the centre of regional production value chain. This will also strengthen Hong Kong’s position as an international I&T hub in GBA for exploiting the Mainland and ASEAN markets. • The Government proactively negotiates for favourable policies helping Hong Kong- invested enterprises, especially SMEs, to capture the vast opportunities across Asia, including streamlining trade rules, aligning product standards, obtaining preferential investment terms and promoting "Made by Hong Kong" brands in emerging markets. 香港素來是亞洲金融貿易中心,擁有成熟 的國際營商網絡,具備條件爭取成為亞洲 地區製造業產業鏈的核心。 工總認為: • 香港可提供高增值的上下游生產性服務 及處理先進製造工序,以大灣區及東南 亞作為量產基地,發展區域化產業鏈, 鞏固作為大灣區國際創科中心的角色, 並以有利位置開拓內地及東盟市場。 • 政府應更積極為香港企業爭取在大灣區 及東盟發展的條件,包括協調貿易制 度、制訂共用標準、爭取投資條件及為 「香港製造」品牌在新興市場建立形象 等,助港資中小企廠商把握亞洲的發展 機遇。 Strengthening Producer Services to Become the Hub of Regional Manufacturing Development 強化香港作為區域內製造業產業鏈的核心角色 2 106 | 8-10/2021
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