Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

Developing local “re-industrialisation” of selected industries to build core technological competence 選定行業及改善政策配套以發展本地「再工業化」 Certain most competitive and high value-added manufacturing activities should be selected for local “re-industrialisation” where policy incentives are offered to encourage local production, including: 1. Advanced electronics 2. Food technology and food processing 3. Recycling and environmental industry 4. Biotechnology With focused investments into developing core technology and manufacturing talent pool, these industries will become new pillars of Hong Kong’s economy. As revealed in the Research, shortage of industrial talents is always a major challenge for Hong Kong manufacturers adopting various coping strategies. The Government must reconstruct the industrial talent system to inject new blood into professions required by the high value-added manufacturing activities. More diversified applied degrees and subjects shall be introduced to cultivate competitive talents for the high value-added manufacturing industries in Hong Kong and abroad. 政府應選定部份在香港最具競爭力及的高增值 製造業,包括: 1. 先進電子業 2. 食品科技及食品加工業 3. 回收及環保工業 4. 生物科技工業 以政策鼓勵其在香港投產,集中投入資源發展 核心技術及培育工業人才,為香港營造核心優 勢及產業化能力,成為香港經濟新支柱。 在研究調查中,不論港資廠商採取的經營策 略,工業人才短缺均是企業面對的重大挑戰, 政府必須推動重組工業人才體系,將人才導向 高增值製造業所需的專業及職位,開設更多元 化的應用型學科及學位等,培育在香港以至全 球高增值製造業都具備高競爭力的工業人才。 1 「香港本地製造」 •問卷調查顯示,共有61家受訪廠商(26.8%)已在 香港設有生產線,另有約10%有意回流香港。 •在港設廠的主要障礙為產業配套和工業用地不 足、人才成本高等。受訪企業亦認為香港生產 性服務不足,如自動化生產系統(77.4%)、工業 設計及產品開發( 7 1%)、產品測試及認證 (69.4%)、技術培訓(54.8%)、中央物流及倉庫中 心服務(46.8%)等。 “Establishing Production Lines in Hong Kong” • The survey shows that a total of 61 respondents (26.8%) have set up production lines in Hong Kong, and another 10% indicate that they have the intention to relocate back to Hong Kong. • The major impediments to set up production lines in Hong Kong include a lack of manufacturing-related suppliers along the value chain, scarcity of industrial land and high labor cost. The respondents indicated that the producer services are insufficient, including automated production system (77.4%), industrial design and product development (71%), product testing and certification (69.4%), technical training (54.8%) and warehousing and logistic solutions, etc. 4 Policy Recommendations 政策建議 Based on the current conditions and business strategies of Hong Kong-invested manufacturers and global trends, the research report summarised three major advocacies to the Government for formulating specific and long-term industrial policy with Hong Kong's advantages and industrial foundation to create more diverse economy and employment in Hong Kong. 就著港資製造企業發展實況、經營策略及環球製造業發展趨勢,研究歸納了三個政策倡議方向,期望政府善用香港優勢及 港資工業的基礎,為長遠產業發展作出具針對性及前瞻性的策略規劃,促進香港經濟及就業多元發展。 8-10/2021 | 105