Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

1981 至 2019年香港各行業佔實質本地生產總值之百分比 服務業佔GDP百分比 消費性服務業佔GDP百分比 製造業佔GDP百分比 生產性服務業佔GDP百分比 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 Besides, the actual economic contributions by the manufacturing industry in Hong Kong have been indistinct, as the “manufacturing” sector in Hong Kong is confined to manufacturers with factory registration locally, and the aggregate value added by many producer services occurred during production processes, such as design, R&D, operation management, brand management, quality control, trading and logistics, after-sales services, etc., falls under the industrial classification of “service industry”. According to the research team, if the service industry is split into sub-categories, producer services in Hong Kong is on a continuous rise in the past four decades to reach 42.2% of GDP in 2019, which provides evidence for the economic contribution of offshore manufacturing activities to Hong Kong. 另外,由於香港經濟統計中的「製造業」局 限於在香港有工廠登記的企業,而在產品 製造過程中的其他「生產性服務業」如設 計研發、生產管理、品牌管理、檢測、貿 易、物流運輸及售後服務等的產值則被整 合在總體服務業內,導致公眾無法準確解 讀香港工業的經濟貢獻。研究團隊指,若 將香港服務業細分計算,生產性服務業在 過去四十年一直有上升趨勢,現佔本地生 產總值約42.2%,為港資廠商境外工業對 香港產生的經濟貢獻提出實證。 港資廠商的經濟貢獻 Economic Conditions of Hong Kong-Invested Manufacturers 8-10/2021 | 103