Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

The Research is funded by the Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund under the Trade and Industry Department and conducted by the research team from the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research under the University of Hong Kong. The research team conducted big data analysis, questionnaire surveys, focus group discussions and literature reviews to understand the current operating conditions and strategies of Hong Kong-invested manufacturers. On the same day, FHKI organised the Knowledge Exchange Forum (“Forum”) where renowned representatives from industry and academia institutes gathered to exchange views on Hong Kong’s industrial policies and manufacturing development. Speakers include Professor Richard Wong, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of HKU; Professor Tao Zhigang, Director, Institute for China and Global Development at HKU; Chang Ka- mun, Managing Director of Fung Business Intelligence Centre; Stephen Wong, Senior Vice President and Executive Director of Public Policy Institute of Our Hong Kong Foundation; and Stanley Tsui, Group Chief Operating Officer of ASM Pacific Technology Limited. 當日,工總舉辦了知識交流論壇(「論壇」), 邀得多位業界及學界專家出席,探討香港產 業政策及港資製造業發展路向等議題,包括 香港大學首席副校長王于漸教授、香港大學 中國與全球發展研究所所長陶志剛教授、利 豐發展(中國)有限公司董事總經理張家敏、 團結香港基金高級副總裁兼公共政策研究 院院長黃元山及 ASM Pacific Technology Limited 集團首席運營官徐靖民。 Professor Richard Wong shared his views on the transformation of Hong Kong’s industrial structure at the event. He said, “Technological advancement, well-established system, intellectual property protection, trade contracts, fair trials and appropriate regulations are essential for the globalisation of the supply chain. Apart from investing in the hardware facilities, Hong Kong should build up intangible assets such as knowledge, research achievements and human capital to promote the industrial transformation. I believe Hong Kong is still enjoying competitive brand image and it possesses very favourable conditions to revitalise industries. It is now the opportune time for Hong Kong manufacturers to develop innovation-driven industries across the Greater Bay Area and nearby regions.” 王于漸教授在席上分享對香港 產業轉型的觀點,他指出: 「科技發展、完善體制、知識 產權、貿易合約、公平裁決以 及恰當的監管力度為產業鏈全 球化的基礎。除了硬件上的配 合,香港應建立更多的無形資 本,如知識、科研結果、人才 等,配合產業轉型。我相信香 港的品牌仍然有一定的優勢, 亦備有足夠的條件『工業再出 發』,在大灣區及周邊地區推 動並發展創新的產業。」 8-10/2021 | 101