Hong Kong Industrialist Aug Oct 2021

《香港製造:香港工業啟新章》 研究報告 “Made By Hong Kong – The Way Forward for HK Industries” Research Report F ederation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) vows to be the united voice for the industries. As the navigator and the staunchest supporter of Hong Kong’s industrial and commercial sectors, FHKI conducts research on the operations of Hong Kong-invested manufacturers regularly so that the Government and stakeholders could have a more comprehensive understanding on the needs of manufacturing sector, with the vision of empowering Hong Kong industries to reach new heights of success. 為 業界發聲是香港工業總會(「工總」)的使命。作為工商業界導航和後盾,工總會定期就港資製造企業的經營狀況進行調 研,讓政府和業界更全面了解製造業現況,促進工商業蓬勃發展。 In recent years, Hong Kong-invested manufacturers face diverse changes in the operating environment, from the eastward shift of the global economic centre, US-China trade disputes, signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP), to the new business normal led by COVID-19 pandemic. Against this background, FHKI considers that Hong Kong-invested manufacturers must seek to adjust their production chains and operating strategies to sustain business growth. To understand the coping strategies of Hong Kong- invested manufacturers and explore the development outlook for Hong Kong’s industry, FHKI conducted the “Made by Hong Kong – The Way Forward for HK Industries” research study (the “Research”) in 2020 and released the Research Report on 14 th July 2021. 近年,港資製造企業面對多重經營環境變 化,由全球經濟重心東移、中美貿易磨 擦、《區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定》( RCEP ) 的簽訂,到新冠肺炎疫情衍生的商業新常 態,港資製造企業有必要探討如何調整供 應鏈和經營策略,以能持續發展。工總於 2020 年進行《香港製造:香港工業啟新章》 研究(「研究」),冀瞭解港資製造企業的應 對策略以及探討香港工業的發展面貌和潛 在出路,並於 2021 年 7 月 14 日正式發布研 究報告。 是次研究由工業貿易署「工商機構支援基 金」資助,並由香港大學香港經濟研究中 心研究團隊進行。研究團隊採用大數據分 析、向工總會員進行問卷調查、焦點小組 座談,深入了解企業的經營經驗同觀點, 以及文獻研究的調研方法,了解港資製造 企業現時的經營狀況及其採取的策略。 RESEARCH REPORT | 研究報告 100 | 8-10/2021