May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

Expanding NewMarkets under Current Diplomatic Dynamics 開拓新市場時宜考慮國際關係新格局 I n March, the United States–China talks was held in Alaska, which was the first formal high-level talks between the two nations after the Biden Administration assumed office. The Sino-US tension has been getting worse and has shown no signs of picking-up in the short term. The meeting triggered a series of tit-for-tat sanctions between China and the West, and even led to the suspension of discussion of the China-EU Comprehensive Investment Agreement . In parallel, the Australian government called off two "Belt and Road" agreements signed between its state of Victoria and China due to diplomatic reasons. As China’s economic influence in the world grows and even surpasses many traditional economic powers, it can be anticipated that Western economies are going to adopt a competitive attitude against China, posing hidden worries to Hong Kong manufacturers with a prime focus in traditional European and US markets. In contrast, China and many Asia-Pacific economies are developing closer business ties. After the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) at the end of last year, apart from China, Thailand, Singapore and Japan have swiftly completed domestic approval procedures. In addition, China and New Zealand signed a "zero tariff" free trade agreement earlier this year. These economies, with a mor friendly relationship with China, offers more stable business environment and are more conducive to industrial development. Industry members shall take this into consideration when making investment and business expansion decisions. 在 三月底,美國拜登政府上任後首度與中國政府領袖在阿拉斯加進行高層會談。會上雙方針鋒相對,可見中美 關係短期內難有起色。會面觸發了中西之間連串制裁事件,連中國與歐盟商討多年的《中歐全面投資協定》 亦因而遭到擱置,能否順利落實仍是未知之數。澳洲政府更以外交關係為由,取消當地維多利亞省與中國簽署的 兩份「一帶一路」協議。中國在世界的經濟影響力日增,更超越不少傳統經濟強國,業界可以預期西方國家在對華 經濟策略上採取競爭性的態度,為以傳統歐美市場為重心的港資廠商帶來不少隱憂。 另一方面,中國與亞太區不少經濟體之間的友好經貿關係則越見密切。去年底《區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定》 (RCEP)簽訂後,除了中國,泰國、新加坡及日本均已相繼完成國內的批准程序;新西蘭亦在年初與中國簽署「零關 稅」自由貿易協定。這些地區與中國關係較友好,營商環境更穩定及利於工業發展,工業界在投資或擴展業務時可 多加留意。 陳祖恒 Sunny Tan 5-7/2021 | 9