May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
CHAIRMAN’S VIEW 我觀我見 Dr Daniel Yip 葉中賢博士 香 港工業總會將於七月底舉行第61屆會 員周年大會,意味我的工總主席任期 即將畫上句號。在初上任的時候,我實在無 法預料2019-21年度任期將會是如此波折。 香港的社會運動、中美關係白熱化、以至蔓 延全球的新冠肺炎疫情,對本港的營商環境 帶來沉重打擊,但亦加速了許多經營、消費 模式的變化,帶領全球經濟進入新常態。 有危有轉機 工業前路明朗 工總在過去一年多次向政府倡議,爭取 助港資廠商應付疫情及業務轉型的政策;亦 舉辦不少網上研討交流,助會員企業掌握時 態開拓新商機。工總大力提倡和協助港資廠 商在香港設立高增值生產線,重塑本地工 業,令香港院校、研發中心寶貴的研究成果 得以落地及產業化;並在年初確定成立大灣 區智庫,助港資廠商把握大灣區政策,致力 將香港發展成區內國際創科中心。 在一帶一路倡議、以及《區域全面經濟 夥伴協定》(RCEP) 正式簽訂等之下,香港 在亞太區內的發展機遇更是越來越廣。在 2019年末,工總與泰國機構簽訂備忘錄, 促進泰港之間的投資往來及促進兩地互利 T he 61 st Annual General Meeting of Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) in end July marks a full-stop to my tenure as the Chairman of FHKI. Shortly after my assumption of office, I had never expected that the 2019-21 term would be full of tribulations: social movements in Hong Kong, escalating tension of the China-US relations, and the COVID-19 pandemic lingering worldwide. Even though these events have massively stricken the local economy, they have driven profound transformations in business and consumption behaviour, leading the global economy towards the new normal. Envisioning the bright future of manufacturing amid challenges Over the past year, FHKI proposed a range of pandemic-relief and economic revival policy measures to the government, with a view to helping Hong Kong manufacturers ride out the storm ahead. Thematic webinars were held to enable our members to stay abreast of the latest opportunities to expand markets. Moreover, FHKI spares no effort in revitalising local industries by facilitating manufacturers to set up high value-added local production lines in Hong Kong, commercialising a wealth of outstanding R&D outcomes from local universities and research institutes. In parallel, FHKI decided to establish the GBA Think Tank early this year to keep our members informed of latest regional policy updates. All these supports FHKI members to tap into Hong Kong’s development as the GBA’s international I&T hub. For more, the “Belt and Road” strategy and formal signing of “Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership” (RCEP) stand to provide them with more diverse growth opportunities. In late 2019, FHKI signed MoUs with organisations in Thailand in an effort to foster Thai-HK business exchange and propel advanced manufacturing. We aspire to resume exchanges with neighbouring economies as soon as pandemic restrictions are lifted to put forward trade facilitation and business collaboration initiatives for our members. Grooming the talent pool of next-generation industrialists “Rejuvenating industries” and “talent succession” were two of the major missions in my term. In May 2020, FHKI established the Education Committee, which is tasked to coordinate the efforts in grooming Carrying Hong Kong Industries on in the Opportune Time of Post-pandemic Era 後疫情機遇處處 願工業再創傳奇 6 | 5-7/2021
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