May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

邁向後常態 O rganised by Federation of Hong Kong Industries (“FHKI”) and sole-sponsored by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited, the “Industrialist Forum 2020: Propelling to the Next Normal” (“The Forum”) was held in a virtual format successfully and appealed to over 600 audience during live streaming. As a signature event in celebration of the 60th Anniversary of FHKI, the Forum invited the Chief Executive of HKSAR, Mrs Carrie Lam as the Guest-of-Honour, rallying Mr Edward Yau, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Alfred Sit, Secretary for Innovation and Technology, and representatives from major chambers of commerce, public organisations and a local university under one roof to discuss a spectrum of challenges and opportunities in face of the Next Normal in the post- pandemic time. The Forum also shed light on how cross-sector collaborations across the Government, industry, academia and research institutions could be conducive to empowering Hong Kong industries, in pursuit of value-added industrial upgrade and transformation. 由 香港工業總會(工總)主辦、中國銀 行(香港)獨家贊助的工業界盛事「工 業家論壇2020 ︰邁向後常態」,早前以網 上直播形式舉行,吸引超過600名觀眾實 時收看。 今次論壇為工總六十周年鑽禧會慶的 慶祝活動,並邀得香港特別行政區行政長 官林鄭月娥擔任主禮嘉賓,商務及經濟發 展局局長邱騰華、創新及科技局局長薛永 恒、以及多位來自本地商會、公營機構及 大學的講者參與專題研討會,探討港資企 業在疫情「後常態」下所面對的機遇與挑 戰,以及香港工業界應如何善用「官、產、 學、研」的協作,在「後常態」下升級轉型, 把握商機,發掘工業發展新方向。 “Industrialist Forum 2020: Propelling to the Next Normal” 「工業家論壇2020: 常 」 FHKI EVENT | 工總花絮 46 | 5-7/2021