May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

生產力局 「『成就智上』 智能製造新世代」 NiRoTech Limited「貓頭鷹」智能生產線實現「再工業化」 LOCAL DISCOVERY | 本地科研 Empowering NiRoTech Limited’s “OWL” Intelligent Production Line to Accomplish “Reindustrialisation” HKPC Smarter Era of Intelligent Manufacturing HKPC assists in building the “OWL” intelligent production line, from technology R&D, design, planning, machinery assembly, adjustment to testing, achieving smart production and “reindustrialisation. 「貓頭鷹」智能生產線由生產力局一手包辦技術研發、設計、規劃, 以至機器組裝及調試,實現智能製造和「再工業化」。 42 | 5-7/2021