May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”

The future of technology development The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated technology advancement and the deployment of innovative technology in the workplace and in our daily life. More enterprises have started to digitise and transform their working procedures to maintain their competitiveness in face of the challenges posed by the pandemic. They have become more open to innovation and technology. With the rapid advancement of innovation and technology, human-machine cooperation in the workplace will be more common in the years to come. To meet the increasing demand for novel technologies, LSCM will continue to focus on the research and development of technology and foster the adoption of these technology by various industries. Above information is provided by Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre. For details, please call 3973 6200 or email to . 以上資訊由物流及供應鏈多元技術研發中心提供。如有查詢,請致電3973 6200,或電郵 至。 重、大型的物件,並自動跟隨操作員行走。 運送機械人則備有地標識別及自我定位功 能,可快捷地將貨物或物品自動地由當前的 位置運送到指定的目的地。LSCM的各種機 械人技術備有不同功能,可協助企業節省時 間、開支及人手,令日常營運更暢順。 創新技術的發展 近年,科技發展一日千里,而新冠肺炎 疫情更加速了技術的發展,亦令科技更廣泛 地應用於我們的工作上及日常生活當中。現 時,不少企業對創新科技持更開放的態度, 並開始進行數碼轉型,利用科技將工序簡 化,以應付疫情帶來的挑戰及提升競爭力。 隨著創新技術的進步,人機協作的工作模式 於未來將更為普遍。而LSCM將會繼續針對 不同行業研發更多創新技術,並推動科技的 應用。 5-7/2021 | 41