May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
To revisit Alfred Ng’s short film made specifically for 2020 Young Industrialist Award of Hong Kong: 重溫吳民卓特別為2020年 香港青年工業家獎拍攝的短片︰ 加快科研進程。」但科研成果落地的過程亦 非一蹴而就,Alfred 續指,工業家須在科研 成果上進一步作產品開發、設廠、市場營 銷等,須投資不少資源和時間才能實現長期 回報。 現時信佳在香港、內地、亞洲以至歐美各 地都有廠房或辦事處,環觀各地,吳博士認 為香港的人才優勢在於其國際化視野。「香 港為中西文化的匯聚地,除了非常熟悉內地 環境以外,對外國的市場特性亦瞭如指掌。 舉例而言,香港的產品設計相比起內地,更 容易被國際市場接受。」 近年政府提倡港資廠商將高增值生產線 遷回香港,推動香港「再工業化」,吳博士表 示︰「香港土地少,資源成本相對高昂,除 了有本地市場的產品如飲食製品、或是戰略 物資,不是每個產業都適宜在港發展。」他 認為再工業化涵蓋的層面廣闊,重點不在於 在哪裏生產。「香港能在上游研發、集資、 管理、貿易及物流等發揮優勢,加上大灣區 備有先進生產基地和成熟產業化系統,兩地 能各自發揮所長,共同成就完善的工業鏈, 突顯『香港製造』的價值。」 in the market. Enterprises can speed up their R&D processes by working with research institutes and universities, as to translate innovative R&D outcomes into value-adding industrial applications.” Though, Alfred also pointed out that there’s no short-cut to R&D commercialisation. Manufacturers have to invest considerable amount of resources and time on product development, setting up manufacturing plants and marketing in order to achieve long- term return from R&D. Currently, Suga has an international network of manufacturing bases and sales offices across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Asia and various parts in the US and Europe. In terms of talents, Alfred suggested that Hong Kong’s talent has a competitive edge for their global vision, “As Hong Kong talents are emerged in both Chinese and Western cultures, they are familiar with the lifestyles in both Mainland China and overseas markets. As I observed, the products designed by Hong Kong talents are always more well- received in international markets than those designed in Mainland China.” In recent years, the government has been advocating Hong Kong manufacturers to set up high value-added production lines locally to propel re-industrialisation. “The land supply in Hong Kong is too scarce and the costs of operating is much higher. Excluding food items for local consumption or products with strategic importance, not every industry can gain a competitive edge by operating in Hong Kong.” Alfred also suggested that re-industrialisation concerns a broad range of activities and the location of production is only part of the whole value chain, “Hong Kong has the essential qualities to take up the upper-stream R&D, fund raising, management and trading logistics along the industrial value chain. Together with the advanced manufacturing base and industrialisation ecosystem in the Greater Bay Area, we can create a comprehensive and collaborative industrial zone which maximises the value of ‘Made by Hong Kong’.” 5-7/2021 | 37
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