May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
規模化生產。例如,將圖像識別技術應用於 挑選細胞株,可以精準地選擇最佳品種、高 產能的細胞用於生物醫藥的大規模生產,挑 選過程更從六個月縮短到三個月。Kingsley 指,此技術亦可套用於幹細胞治療、生產人 造肉培植等新興產業,應用範圍極廣。 對於獲頒「香港青年工業家獎」,Kingsley 有一番感受:「我聽過一句說話:『未來100 年內的技術突破,將超越人類歷史總長的兩 倍。』作為生物科技企業家,必須對創新科 技有敏銳觸覺,將不同垂直領域的核心技術 應用在自己的行業上,找出突破點。我期望 能夠繼續帶領公司走在生物醫藥工業的前 沿,創造更有效的藥物和療法,造福廣大患 者。」 “Technological breakthroughs in the coming century will double all technological advancement made in the entire human history” Traditionally, pharmaceutical R&D processes are time-consuming and incur exorbitant investment. Kingsley believed that traditional R&D processes are no longer sustainable in today’s business landscape. “Perhaps over half of the traditional pharmaceutical companies will no longer exist in the next 20 years. In the next phase of industrial development, ‘convergence of technology’ is pivotal to bringing about biopharmaceutical breakthroughs. Many scientists and enterprises are now researching on the AI applications to the development and manufacturing of novel medicines, replacing the ‘trial-and-error’ model, to make faster strides in biopharmaceutical development.” Apart from revamping the pharmaceutical business model, Kingsley is now actively exploring novel development areas. Recently, Kingsley launched a new start-up called Great Bay Bio that has received funding from many renowned investors including Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund. The startup applies AI technology to traditional manufacturing process development or CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing, Control) in order to shorten and reduce the risk of CMC development for drug scale up manufacturing. For example, image recognition has been used for cell line selection, i.e. aiming to precisely select best- of-breed, high-yielding cells which can then be cultivated en masse for biopharmaceuticals’ mass production, to shorten the process from 6 months to 3 months. Kingsley also suggested that the technology can be applied to a wide spectrum of emerging industries like stem cell therapy and cultivation of artificial meat. As an awardee of “Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong”, Kingsley remarked, “As the saying goes, ‘Technological breakthroughs in the coming century will double all technological advancement made in the entire human history’. A successful biotechnology entrepreneur must have an acute eye for innovative technology, and is passionate about combining different technologies and applying them across different industry verticals to solve business problems. I hope to take the company to the forefront of biopharmaceutical manufacturing, creating therapies using new technologies that can help patients around the world.” To revisit Kingsley Leung’s short film made specifically for 2020 Young Industrialist Award of Hong Kong: 重溫梁國龍特別為獲頒 2020年香港青年工業家獎拍攝的短片︰ 5-7/2021 | 33
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