May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
Biopharmaceutical Industry as a Booming Business China is the manufacturing base and the prime market for Uni-Bio Science Group. Kingsley believes, besides the immense market size of China, a vibrant biopharmaceutical ecosystem is critical for the success of manufacturers. Within the ecosystem, the Group can seek quality partners along the value chain, such as those specialising in industrial design and business development, to scale up its business. Riding on the ecosystem’s robust industrialisation ability, Kingsley is confident that corporates can grow their businesses expeditiously. Since the biopharmaceutical industry is one of the national strategic focuses, the Chinese Government, alongside municipal authorities strive to provide diverse business support for the industry. Industry-specific policies, market entries and pharmaceutical registrations have undergone rigorous transformations over the years, of which registration pathways and regulatory control have been much more stringent than before. Kingsley believed 內地產業化能力佳 生物製藥行業大 有可為 聯康集團的生產設施及銷售市場主要在中 國內地,Kingsley指,內地不但市場龐大, 而且生物製藥生態圈生機勃勃,公司可以找 到產業上下游如工業設計、招商等合作夥 伴,強大的產業化能力助企業更順利發展。 鑑於內地政策積極推動生物醫藥行業發 展,由國家以至地方政府亦對行業有切實支 援。加上國內由政策、市場准入至藥物註冊 等程序近年不斷變革,其中註冊路徑、管制 規條等較以往更為嚴謹。他認為內地政府完 善制度,在藥物研發方面指引清晰,對創新 型生物醫藥企業的發展更有幫助。 地方政府亦歡迎創新醫藥公司進駐當地, 他舉例:「暢銷產品『金因肽 ® 』的生產線已 接近飽和。我們在選址開設新廠時,不少省 市政府都派員瞭解我們營運概況及需要,提 出優厚的政策及配套支援,更為我們的團隊 安排公寓,致力從各方面滿足業務需要,建 立完善的工業生態圈,吸引醫藥公司進駐。」 以香港為集團總部 上游研發工作遷 回香港 聯康生物科技集團在深圳和北京均設有廠 房,惟總部堅持落戶香港。Kingsley指,最 初香港總部主要負責投資者關係工作,至於 研發、生產以至營銷的仍舊在內地進行;但 隨著近年香港政府推出多項利好創科發展的 舉措,集團在2017年將部分較上游的研發工 作遷回香港。香港科研人才有能力統籌與外 國夥伴合作的科研項目,知識產權保障亦更 完善。此後,集團與新加坡DotBio有限公司 建立了合作關係,共同開發下一代視網膜疾 病的治療方法。通過充分利用中國內地和香 that these changes are leading to a more sound regulatory system, coupled with clear guideline towards R&D, to offer a fertile ground for the development of innovation-driven biopharmaceutical companies. In fact, local governments are in favour of innovation-driven biopharmaceutical companies. Kingsley suggested, “The manufacturing capacity of our best-selling product GeneTime ® is almost saturated at present and therefore we are looking to establish a new manufacturing base. We received much support from local governments who delegated their officials to understand our day-to-day operation and offer favourable policies, infrastructure and amenities, and even accommodation to cater for our needs on multiple business fronts. The officials endeavour to attract more top-notch biopharmaceutical companies, with a view to empowering the whole industrial ecosystem there.” The Group’s HK Headquarters Playing Strategic Role in Upstream R&D Currently, the Group’s manufacturing lines 5-7/2021 | 31
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