May-Jul 2021 “Hong Kong Industrialist”
2020 YIAH AWARDEE SERIES | 2020「香港青年工業家」專訪系列 Established in 2007, Uni-Bio Science Group is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the treatments of diabetes, metabolic disorders, dermatology and ophthalmology. Kingsley said, “In line with the mantra ‘Leading Genuine Innovation’, the Group has offered highly-efficacious and affordable medicines for patients with chronic illnesses. A handful of our medicines in the R&D pipeline have already been approved by the National Medical Products Administration lately, including Boshutai ® (Acarbose tablet), an oral anti-diabetic drug, and Pinup ® (Vorizonazole), an antifungal medicine, and thus eligible for the national volume-based procurement programme. As well as moving other new drugs along clinical development that are 1 or 2 years from commercialisation, we are expecting to capture a great deal of positive return very soon.” 聯康生物科技集團於2007年創立,專注於糖尿病、內分泌疾病、皮膚科及眼科等領域,Kingsley稱:「集團一直以來秉承『心 創造新醫藥』的理念,為慢性病提供有效而可負擔的藥物,紓緩長期病患者的財政負擔。公司發展方向明確,我們有數種新藥 物已通過測試,將會在今年取得上市認可,參加國家新一批的藥品集採,包括糖尿病口服藥博舒泰 ® (阿卡波糖片)及抗真菌 口服藥匹納普 ® 等,同時展開其他新藥的臨床開發,這些新藥距離商業化還有一到兩年的時間,我們預計很快取得回報。」 精研生物醫藥先進技術 為患者帶來曙光 Dedication to the Advancement of Biomedical Technology Igniting Hope for Patients with Kingsley Leung ,Chairman, Uni-Bio Science Group 聯康生物科技集團主席 梁國龍 先生 S tarting a business is hard, but sustaining a business is even harder. As a second-generation industrialist, Kingsley Leung started his career at various healthcare start-ups and finance companies, where he built solid experience in the field before returning to his family business, Uni-Bio Science Group in 2013. Thereafter, Kingsley steered a sequence of corporate advancements dedicated to sales growth, developing innovative biopharmaceutical products and value-added manufacturing. Kingsley was conferred the Young Industrialist Awards of Hong Kong in 2020 in recognition of his distinguished contributions. 創 業難,守業更難。聯康生物科技集團主席梁國龍 (Kingsley) 作為家族生意第二代的掌舵人,在畢業後即向外闖,吸收從事初創、金融 方面的豐富實戰經驗後,於2013年返回集團接手家業,帶領聯康集團向銷售增長、開發創新生物醫藥製品、高增值方向轉型改革。 Kingsley因此於去年獲頒發「香港青年工業家獎」殊榮。 30 | 5-7/2021
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